Six lesser-known signs of Alzheimer’s disease to note
September 21, 2020
How Much Do You Really Know About Alzheimer’s Disease?
Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia, with an increased incidence, but the signs and symptoms of symptoms are often misunderstood.
Classified as a neuropathy, it most prominently causes memory loss, which usually begins slowly and worsens over time. Mersey Care has a complete list of contacts, helplines and organizations to help your loved ones worry. Please visit this website.
It may not be clear that there are other signs of Alzheimer’s disease. Currently, there is no “cure” for this condition. Early detection of these can make a difference in the rate of cognitive decline.
“Understanding these symptoms is very important, so you can act early and ensure that people with dementia get the support they need,” said Franvandeli, a dementia leader at Bupacare Homes. In this way, we can lead a safe and happy life. “
On World Alzheimer’s Day, we share some important signs to watch out for …
1. Changes in taste, sometimes smell
Dementia can change food and drink preferences. “This is because it affects the way our brain interacts with the taste buds, which means that people don’t experience food or taste in the same way,” says Vandelli.
As a result, people may suddenly change their diet and develop entirely new tastes, especially for sweeter or stronger tastes, Vandelli says.
2. Be late for housework
Dementia not only affects our memory, but also reduces our reasoning skills. This can leave people struggling to complete household chores such as managing finances and paying bills.
“Another thing to watch out for is whether someone has food leftovers or outdated items in the fridge or cupboard,” says Van Deli. “This can be a symptom, as dementia can lead people to forget to eat. Over time, this can also manifest itself through weight loss.”
3. Unexpected mood swings or behavior
Vandelli says that if a rational response fails due to dementia, the ability to control emotions also diminishes. “In these scenarios, emotions can emerge and be expressed in a more immediate and unrestrained way.
“Some people may be impatient because they are dissatisfied with not being able to remember things.
“Also, people may be more withdrawn or anxious because they will not be able to participate in the conversations that are taking place around them.”
This can be difficult to deal with, especially for friends and loved ones, but Vandelli states that it is important not to take things personally or to be pushed away by their behavior.
“Remember that it’s not a change in someone’s personality-they are still the same people you know and love,” she emphasizes. “It’s how they react to dementia anxiety and frustration when they try to navigate their relationships.”
4. Changes in spatial perception
Alzheimer’s disease can also affect people’s perception of space and distance. “This is often hard to find, but it can sometimes be seen when people are having a hard time performing tasks such as parking a car,” says Vandelli.
5. Follow the troubleshooting or instructions
Alzheimer’s disease can make it difficult for people to solve problems or perform a series of tasks.
“For example, someone who might have tapped in the kitchen may start having a hard time remembering how to cook a meal,” says Vandelli. “Similarly, people may find it more difficult to create and follow shopping lists-that is, everyday tasks can take longer.”
6. Meeting
Meetings are when people make stories to fill the memory gap. For example, someone might tell a rare story explaining why they left their house key in the fridge.
“This can be frustrating to those around us, but it’s important to remember that it’s not a conscious decision,” says Vandelli. “They aren’t lying, they’re just trying to find an explanation or answer when they can’t remember themselves.”
What if you notice these symptoms?
First of all, don’t panic, says Vandelli, adding that none of these symptoms are limited to dementia, and in many cases they can only be temporary and temporary.
“But keep an eye on your loved ones, and if the symptoms become more frequent, encourage them to go to the doctor,” she adds.
Dementia may sound like a horrifying diagnosis, but the reality is that even people with dementia can lead a happy and healthy life. “It’s just a case of getting the right support around them, and the faster the diagnosis, the faster it can be done,” she concludes.
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