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More than half of the states report new cases of coronavirus as the United States approaches 200,000 deaths


The United States is approaching a disastrous milestone of the deaths of 200,000 people from COVID-19 Because more than half of the states have reported an increase in incidents.

Climbing takes place after many states see a decline in the number of cases After the summer resurrection of infectious diseases..

States that have reported more new cases in the last seven days include Wisconsin, Idaho, South Dakota, Iowa, and Kansas, all of which also report a coronavirus positive rate of over 15%.

The positive rate is the percentage of all given tests that are positive for coronavirus.

Track viruses throughout the state and the United States

The World Health Organization (WHO) advised the government in May to stabilize positive rates below 5% for at least two weeks before the business resumes. According to JHU, a total of 27 states and Puerto Rico are above that level.

However, improvements are still seen in some states. Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, and New York all have less than 1% positive rates, while Delaware, Hawaii, Louisiana, Michigan, South Carolina, and Vermont all report more than last week. Less is.

Over 6.7 million people are infected A virus infected in the United States killed 199,511 people. According to data from Johns Hopkins University.

Official to reduce deaths and incidents

Maryland reported a record low positive rate of 1.89% on Sunday, and state officials encouraged the public to continue to be tested to bring the case under control. Many health professionals say Extensive testing Is the key to find Asymptomatic or presymptomatic carrier, Those people can isolate and prevent the spread of the virus.

In addition to smart testing, measures such as distance, avoiding congestion, wearing masks, and washing hands are the keys to flattening the virus curve, Adm. Brett Giroir, a member of the White House’s Coronavirus Control Committee, told CNN’s Jake Tapper on Sunday.

“We work every day. We have formulas to reduce death and reduce incidents, but we all have to be trained and diligent to ensure that we adhere to it every day. Hmm, “he said.

In response to the dire milestone of the imminent death of 200,000 coronaviruses, Giroir said, “every death is a tragedy,” and the Task Force works daily to defeat them.

CDC recognizes coronavirus spread in the air

Coronavirus is commonly found in the latest guidance from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Spread through virus particles Above the sky.

According to previous guidance, Covid-19 is thought to spread primarily through respiratory droplets “generated when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks” between people within 6 feet of each other. Was there.

According to guidance updated on Friday, Covid-19 is usually spread among people who are in close contact with each other. However, the virus “is known to spread through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes, sings, speaks, or breathes.”

According to the guidance, infection can occur when particles are inhaled “in the nose, mouth, respiratory tract, and lungs.”

“There is increasing evidence that droplets and levitating particles can be inhaled by others while floating in the air, or traveled more than 6 feet (during chorus practice, restaurants, fitness classes). Etc.). ” “Generally, this risk increases in poorly ventilated indoor environments.”

Donald Milton, a professor of environmental health at the University of Maryland who studies methods of transmitting the virus, told CNN that the new language for the CDC is a “significant improvement.”

Milton was one of the lead authors of the July letter signed by 239 scientists. They urged the World Health Organization to get closer to the possibility of people catching the virus from airborne droplets. WHO then published a report detailing how the coronavirus can pass between people.

“It’s highly recommended that the CDC pay attention and make sure it’s working with science. Evidence is accumulating,” Milton emailed CNN.

Epidemiologist and public health expert Dr. Abdul Elsaid told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Sunday that the guidance formalized the CDC’s previous recommendations.

“What that means to people is that those masks are very important,” he said. “These are the most important ways to prevent these aerosols from coming out of your mouth or nose and into someone else’s mouth or nose.”

Research further enhances the link between pandemics and mental health

As Covid-19 intensified in the United States, so did the level of stress and depression, according to a study published in the magazine Science Advances.

A survey of more than 6,500 people found that several factors could exacerbate people’s stress.

Researchers have found that the greatest risk of depression symptoms was the existing pre-pandemic mental health diagnosis.

However, the symptoms of stress and depression were associated with personal exposure rather than public spread — “concerns about getting sick outweighed concerns about pandemic-related disruptions in daily life.” Suggests.

“Approximately a quarter (23.5%) of the sample reported that they or others in the vicinity were exposed to COVID-19 (for example, the symptoms they experienced were diagnosed),” the researchers said on Friday. I am writing in the report published in.

The study found that employment was also significantly affected, with those who lost their jobs suffering the most.

“Data suggest that individuals who continued to work in this early stage of the pandemic were at increased risk of being infected with the virus, but were less depressed than those who were not working,” the researchers say. Stated.

“Continuing to be employed as a“ mandatory ”worker may have given new meaning to the work of respondents who reduce their risk of depression. “

Researchers said another source of pandemic-related stress was the frequency with which participants were exposed to conflicting information from news and social media.

People are immersed in the news for an average of 7 hours each day, and acute stress increases over time.

However, researchers have suggested that consistent, accurate, and reliable news reports may be one of the best ways to control stress.

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