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7 mistakes to avoid when testing your blood sugar at home


Diabetes: 7 Mistakes to Avoid When Testing Blood Glucose at Home

Diabetes: Healthy blood sugar levels help prevent diabetic complications


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Diabetes is a chronic condition that requires continuous control of blood sugar levels. Uncontrolled blood sugar levels begin to adversely affect various organs of the body. If you are a diabetic, it is important to check your blood sugar regularly. It helps you understand if the diet and lifestyle you are following can help control your blood sugar levels. It also helps avoid large fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Recently, you can check your blood sugar level at home. Glucometers are used to maintain constant checks at all times. But often make some mistakes during the measurement Blood glucose level At home. Dr. Girish Parmar, a senior consultant in endocrinology and diabetes, explains some common mistakes to avoid for accurate results.

Mistakes to Avoid When Measuring Blood Glucose

1) Postprandial blood glucose

The postprandial blood glucose test measures postprandial blood glucose. Ideally, you should start counting hours when you start a meal, not when you finish a meal, while testing your blood glucose for two hours after a meal.


Make a note of the time you are checking your blood sugar
Photo credit: iStock

2) Timing of stabbing

For a more accurate reading of blood glucose, many environmental and physiological factors change over time, so it is ideal to have your blood glucose tested at different times of the day.

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3) Stick your finger

One of the most common mistakes is to use the same finger repeatedly daily to measure blood glucose. It may cause pain and minor injuries. Therefore, when testing blood glucose, it is best to keep your fingers spinning from either hand.

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4) 1 piercing needle, 1 needle

Many patients use the same needle for more than 5-6 stings or avoid long-term needle changes. The chances of getting infected are doubled. Ideally, the needle should be discarded after it has been stabbed with proper safety measures.

5) Needle depth

The puncture device used for the test comes with an adjustable needle depth that can be changed according to the thickness of the finger skin. Make sure the needle is set between 3 and 4 to ensure proper stinging.


Choose the right needle depth while measuring your blood glucose
Photo credit: iStock

6) Disinfection

Always disinfect the finger you intend to stab and make sure the area is clean and free of infection. Most importantly, once you have disinfected your fingers with spirits, don’t rush to stab them. Wait for the mind to evaporate from the surface of the skin before stabbing.

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7) Difference in sugar content

There is acceptable variability between glucometer measurements and blood glucose laboratory tests. Therefore, if there are differences in readings, do not panic by following all possible criteria.

(Dr. Girish Parmar, Senior Consultant, Endocrinology and Diabetes, Nanavati Super Specialty Hospital)

Disclaimer: This content, including advice, provides general information only. It is by no means a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.


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