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Does Aromatherapy Really Work? Medical professionals consider


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If you scroll through your social media feed once, you’ll see at least a few people swear. Aromatherapy.. I think it’s safe to say that everyone can indulge in a good scent, but it’s not very clear if people can actually benefit from such a scent. And Aromatherapy market Is expected to be $ 13 billion industry by 2024, We can’t help wondering: is there really science for it, or is this another multi-level marketing plan that floods our social feed?

To find out, we talked to some doctors and aroma therapists. Check below what they had to say.

What is aromatherapy?

“Aroma” is just another word for scent, and “treatment” correlates with healing. With that pulse Aromatherapy can be thought of as a way to heal the scent.. According to a functional medicine practitioner Dr. Tamika Henry, Aromatherapy is the use of natural botanical extracts — AKA Essential oil-Promote natural healing. “lots of people [them] To help her heal mentally, physically and emotionally, “she explained, noting that there are many different oils that can help your current condition.

The beauty of aromatherapy is that it exists in many forms. Essential oil roll-on (we love it Briogio’s B. Well Aromatic Essential Oil Kit, $ 38) and a candle (like) infused with crystals to shower the spray JR Watkins Aromatherapy in Shower Mist, $ 15) and body products. Aromatherapy has a way to understand every aspect of a calming self-care routine. However, according to natural perfumers and aroma therapists Ix Shell LeeThe most common form of traditional aromatherapy is by inhalation. Sniff your wrists after oiling, cloud the shower before diving, or a special inhaler ( Helen aromatic inhaler, $ 45, this comes in 7 scents) — and through a massage.

How does aromatherapy work?

Now you know whatLet’s chat about why..

As a Beverly Hills Concierge Doctor to the Stars Dr. Esan Ali Positive aromatherapy is beneficial because the use of pleasant scents improves mental health and ultimately leads to improvement in physical illness. “For example, during massage and meditation, a pleasant air freshener scent helps relieve stress and tension and relax muscles,” he explains.

Even if you apply essential oils to your body or add fragrance to the surrounding rooms, the study It suggests that the scent can reduce stress, increase spirituality and boost mood.

In fact, Alzheimer’s Disease Association“Breathing therapeutic grade essential oils lowers stress levels, lowers blood pressure and pulse rate.”

What are essential oils used for?

It all depends on what your ultimate goal is. If you want to feel calm, happy, energetic, awake, detoxified, or mentally rich Essential oil for that reason.

“In Chinese herbs, each plant has certain beneficial properties. Some plants can be irritating and some are mild,” explains Lee. “If you have only one essential oil, most people lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), It is often referred to as a bottled medicine kit. It has many different benefits: it is calm and calms, helps to heal scratches, cuts and burns, and acts as an insect repellent to name a few. ”

Lavender is often thought of as the ultimate base for aromatherapy kits, but Dr. Ali says antifungals Tea tree oilAnother oil that has proven to be effective against acne and skin problems is worth adding to the collection. In addition, he recommends peppermint To relieve gastrointestinal tract and headaches. You may be interested in waiting for other benefits to be discovered, so check out 10 of the most popular oils and their related uses / benefits. National Holistic Aromatherapy Association..

Clary Sage: Relaxation and pain relief

Hinoki: Menstrual pain and muscle pain

eucalyptus: Energy and clear breathing

Fennel: digestion

Geranium: Neuralgia

Ginger: Digestion and pain relief

Lemon: Stress relief and uplifting

Neroli: Relief of anxiety

Patchouli: Raise your mood

Roman chamomile: Stress reduction

Regardless of which oil you choose, it is important to know that some formulations may need to be diluted in some way. Carrier oil. “Carrier oils are used to dilute essential oils and can optimize the properties of essential oils,” says Henry, who states that carrier oils do not have a strong odor and do not evaporate. “Examples of carrier oils are coconut oil, jojoba oil, olive oil, sweet almond oil, and argan oil. There are several options, but it is important to choose a high quality carrier oil.”

Now that you’re ready, let’s talk about the kit. In many cases, you can find a tailored aromatherapy kit consisting of all the most popular oils for the effect of your choice. That said, Henry says you don’t have to buy the largest kits offered to start your journey to natural healing. “Start by choosing some essential oils that meet your specific health and mental health goals,” she suggests. “In medicine, we say,” slowly, slowly at the beginning. ” Determine how it works and proceed from there. ”

Fun facts: Essential oils are a concentrated version of the plant. According to Lee, you need 5 pounds of eucalyptus leaves to get eucalyptus essential oils. 250 pounds of lavender flowers are needed to produce 1 pound of pure lavender essential oil. In addition, to collect 1 pound of pure rose essential oil, you need 10,000 pounds of rose petals. “Now you can see why prices fluctuate so much when you buy these sacred oils,” she says.

What essential oil should I buy?

Quality is important. According to the article published in Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing“Using low quality essential oils and not understanding safety guidelines can have a negative impact on clinical outcomes.”

Leigh encourages you to learn about every essential oil you want to add to your routine, as the composition of essential oils plays a major role in how beneficial they are to the practice of aromatherapy. “Learn the names of plants (also known as italics in Latin),” she suggests, pointing out that there are several varieties with different chemical constituents, not all suitable for the same application. .. “Each essential oil is different and you need to know how to use it, how to dilute it, and how to apply it specifically. Some are good for the skin mixed with the carrier. Some are inhaled. Only works better. ”

In addition, Henry points out that the aromatherapy market is saturated with low quality oils. “Low quality [essential oils and] Carrier oils may contain synthetic ingredients that increase your exposure to toxins such as benzaldehyde, benzyl acetate, propylene glycol, and parabens, “she warns.

Speaking of carrier oils, if you don’t have the time to decide if you can use essential oils properly (Read: no carrier), the best bet is to look for aromatic products from reliable companies without resorting to guesswork. You are. “See online reviews of companies, their products, and how they recommend their use,” says Leigh. We repeat that it is beneficial to consider with some knowledge to protect yourself from vulnerabilities.

Finally, it’s important to know that not all essential oils are acceptable to pets. In fact, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) states that pure essential oils are extremely harmful and can cause everything from diarrhea and vomiting to depression and hypothermia. Therefore, we recommend limiting the use of aromatherapy to a safe place for a short period of time or mixing it thoroughly.

The last word

In the world we live in, aromatherapy is just another multi-level marketing, given the vast number of people who swear in small bottles of household and body products composed of essential oils, diffusers, and the same scents. You can easily assume that it is a scheme. Some aromatherapy definitely falls into this category, but if you actually take the time to discover high quality essential oils, you will find real positive results.

In addition, it is important to know that, like all products applied to the skin, it can react. “Aromatherapy is associated with itching, rashes, skin irritation, watery eyes, sneezing, headaches, change in appetite, and constipation,” says Henry. “But likewise, aromatherapy continues to be a growing industry and helps promote natural healing.” What is her advice? If you want to reach out to the world of essential oils and realize all the benefits of aromatherapy, seek the knowledge and expertise of an aromatherapy expert. “Ask questions, get informed, and know that your health is dynamic and can change from day to day,” she says.

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