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The high death toll from the Swedish coronavirus may be associated with the mild flu season, chief scientists say.


People will walk Strandvagen in Stockholm on September 19, 2020.

Jonathan Nackstrand | AFP | Getty Images

Leading Swedish epidemiologists have partially blamed the country’s high coronavirus deaths for a recent winter mild influenza outbreak.

“If many die from the flu in the winter, fewer will die from the heat wave next summer. In this case, it was Covid-19 that killed many,” the main epidemiologist in Sweden. Anders Tegnell told the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter earlier this week.

“Countries with fairly low influenza mortality over the last few years, such as Sweden, have been shown to have very high Covid-19 excess mortality.” The Times.

“In countries like Norway, where influenza mortality has been high in the last two winters, Covid mortality is much lower. The same trend is seen in some countries. This is an overall explanation. It may be part of it, not. “

Much attention has been paid to Sweden during the coronavirus pandemic because of the controversial decision not to completely block the lives and economy of its people. Most of the neighboring countries and Europe have done so due to the surge in cases of coronavirus in the spring.

Instead, the Swedish Public Health Service, where Tegnell is the main epidemiologist, instead recommended almost voluntary measures, such as proper hygiene, social distance guidelines, and, if possible, working from home.

Bars, restaurants, most schools and businesses remained open, and face masks were rarely worn. Sweden has banned mass rallies and visits to elderly housing with care, but the latter restriction will soon be lifted despite the high death toll from Covid-19.

Sweden’s non-blockade policy was seen by Tegnell as a way to achieve some degree of herd immunity within the population. He told CNBC Back in April.

Herd immunity between populations achieved by vaccination is usually achieved when about 60% of the population is considered immune. There are currently no vaccines against coronavirus, so scientists are watching carefully whether exposure to Covid-19 and recovery from it leads to long-term immunity.

Allowing the spread of the virus (although measures have been taken) can lead to serious illness and death in vulnerable groups such as the elderly and people in existing health. Pursuing herd immunity is controversial. .. In July, WHO officials warned that patients who recovered from the virus might be able to get the virus again., Saying that some studies suggest that immunity may decline after a few months.

Sweden reports more infections and deaths than its neighbors, but has a population of about 10 million, about twice the population of its neighbors Denmark, Finland and Norway. According to Johns Hopkins University, Sweden has so far recorded about 90,000 cases and 5,870 deaths. In contrast, Denmark has recorded less than 25,000 cases and 641 deaths.

Sweden initially avoided a resurgence, unlike France, Spain and the United Kingdom, which are the major European economies where cases of coronavirus are described as the second wave of the pandemic and appear to be rising again. Was thought to be. However, outbreaks among sports teams have occurred in recent weeks, and the increasing number of incidents in the capital Stockholm may have pushed the city to more restrictions.

“Stockholm has seen a clear increase in recent years across all age groups,” Dagens Nyheter said in a press conference Tuesday. “We are discussing with Stockholm whether additional possibilities are needed to take steps to reduce the infection.”

There was no discussion about possible measures, but in Stockholm Healthcare director Bjorn Ericsson, who attended the press conference, said the upward trend in the Stockholm region could lead to “a very serious situation again.”


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