Covid-19 A cheerful police man who “ignored” restrictions advice
police He fined a young man they said he “ignored” Covid-19’s restriction advice.
Within the last 24 hours, police officers have issued 40 Covid notices, 12 ban notices, and 3 Community Resolution notices as part of ongoing efforts to address antisocial behavior and criminal activity in South Belfast. Issued.
One young man who received his first notice yesterday at 4:30 pm was issued another notice and was fined £ 240.
Work on notifications began on Tuesday afternoon and continued until early Wednesday morning.
And Gavin Kirk Patrick Chief He warned that PSNI operations would continue for the next few days.
He also said: “It is unacceptable for some people to still endanger themselves, their families and communities and ignore health protection rules.
“After 4:30 pm yesterday, a young man received his first notice.
“Unfortunately, the man continued to ignore his advice all night and was issued an additional Covid notice, resulting in a £ 240 fine.
“Once again, from last night to early this morning, police, council officials, and university representatives attended the party and engaged with a large number of people gathered on the streets in various places. People took this action. You need to stop.
“Our activities will continue for the next few days and we will continue to work with Council Officers and university representatives to provide advice and guidance. Police officers need until people are responsible for their actions. We will continue to issue notifications according to. “
And today, Minister of Economy Diane Dodds confirmed a total of 27 people. Queen’s University Students have previously suspended their courses due to violations of the Covid-19 restrictions imposed by Stormont.
It is understood that the students were responded by authorities to their activities in the Holyland area, and today, Dyanddds confirmed a total of “27 outages.”
She told the Economic Commission that the Holyland district near Queen’s University Belfast The Stormont Commission said it was the focus of concerns and police action on house parties and the spread of the disease.
“The university has issued a total of 27 warning suspensions to students,” the Minister of Economy said.
Mrs. Dodds warned that the spillover effect of such suspension could have serious consequences for the general career.
She said: “I know that if college sanctions, it may have a significant impact on professional students who may cause aptitude problems for practice.
“It may seem interesting now, but it can have terrifying health consequences for the people you love, which can affect your future life.
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