What if COVID-19 and influenza occur at the same time?
Did you know that you can get the flu and COVID-19 at the same time? Here’s a detailed explanation of what happens when you get both illnesses and how to protect yourself.
“This year the flu season is different due to COVID-19,” said the director of health at the Houston Health Department. Dr. David Perse on Wednesday.
In addition to the flu, Perse predicts that the virus that causes COVID-19 will continue to spread this fall and winter.
Both illnesses simultaneous Studies show that there is an increased risk of death.
“This is the first flu season for COVID-19 and we need to learn a lot, but it is accurate to say that co-infection reduces a person’s chances of recovery,” he said.
Both influenza and COVID-19 affect the lungs, increasing the likelihood of serious conditions such as pneumonia and respiratory failure. Both illnesses can damage other organs, including the heart and brain, Perse explained.
Not many data At the moment, it’s about two illnesses that work together and the havoc that they can cause to the body.
“Co-infection with COVID-19 and influenza is theoretically possible. It is currently difficult to predict what the exact signs of such co-infection are.” Dr. Prasit Kurkarni, Associate Professor of Infectious Disease Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine by email on Wednesday.
“The usual risk factors that predispose to serious infections such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and underlying immunodeficiency conditions are likely to lead to more serious outcomes, but we have determined the details of this. need to do it.” Kurkarni I have written.
Some same symptoms
Influenza and COVID-19 share symptoms such as coughing, weakness, tiredness, and tiredness. If you have new taste or smell, sore throat, shortness of breath, nausea or diarrhea, you may have COVID-19, Persse explains.
If you have the flu or COVID-19 symptoms, you need to self-quarantine and contact your doctor for testing, Persse said.
Hospital capacity
The flu puts a strain on the hospital system each year, Percy said.
However, getting a flu shot will reduce the burden on the hospital.
“There is currently no COVID-19 vaccine, so getting a flu shot is the best way to make hospital beds available to everyone who needs it,” he said.
Other similarities
COVID-19 and influenza spread in a similar way, Said Doctor Lisa Malagakiss, Senior Director of Infection Prevention at Johns Hopkins.
“Water droplets and small virus particles from a sick person can infect nearby people with the virus. The smallest particles remain in the air and another person can inhale and infect them.” She said.
Alternatively, she explained that people can touch the surface to which the virus is attached, and then by touching their face, the bacteria can be transmitted.
Can be expanded Influenza and COVID-19 At least one day before symptoms appear, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. However, if you are infected with COVID-19, you may be infected for a longer period of time than if you have the flu.
Measures to be taken now
“The effects on our body are unknown for both influenza and COVID at the same time, or even in the near time range between illnesses, because the Southern Hemisphere influenza season is (thankfully) fairly mild. Dr. Ali Brown, a pediatrician at Tyler Austin, said:
Mr Brown said the flu affects the immune system and allows it to take time to fight the immune system. Therefore, the ability to protect yourself from COVID-19 may be reduced.
Influenza vaccination can reduce uncertainty about which illness he has, Brown said.
“Influenza infections can be seen in many different forms, like COVID, which may increase the need for testing before returning to work or school, or prepare to stay home for 14 days due to illness this winter season. That’s enough (October-April), “Brown said.
It is important that almost everyone over the age of 6 months is vaccinated against influenza each year, Kurkarni Some people have medical contraindications, he said.
“Co-infection with COVID-19 and influenza can theoretically lead to worse results, so influenza vaccination, continuous social / physical distance, wearing a mask in public places, We will do everything we can to prevent both infections, including avoiding large crowds, and washing our hands frequently remains the best public health measure we can take today. ” He said.
How about antibiotics? Neither influenza nor COVID-19 can be treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics only work on bacterial infections, such as some sinus infections.
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