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Oregon Coronavirus: 193 new cases and 6 new deaths announced Wednesday


The Oregon Department of Health announced on Wednesday 193 new suspected or confirmed cases and 6 new deaths associated with COVID-19. Number of cases and infection rate on Tuesday, It was the best in almost a month.

Oregon’s pandemic trail is a historic wildfire A sharp drop in coronavirus testingHowever, state officials say it is now clear that the number of cases is increasing.

State officials released highly hollowed-out modeling last week In Oregon, there may be fewer cases of progress. However, authorities also acknowledged that modeling appears to be low and distorted and “may be an early indicator of a slight increase in transmission.”

State officials did not respond to requests for comment from the newsroom on Tuesday, but Patrick Allen, chief executive of the Oregon Department of Health, said. Recognized on “Think Out Loud” on Oregon Public Broadcasting Authorities are aware that the number of cases is increasing again.

“There are definitely more cases in the last week or 10 days,” he said on Tuesday, with Labor Day activities, college campus exams and potentially wildfire evacuation. He added that it could be part of the increase.

According to Allen, the state’s latest modeling was done during the inflection point, leaving the software confused.

“I think the place we’re in now has changed from something that’s been pretty good from vacations and fires to something that has to be defeated again,” he said.

If there are new cases by county: Baker (1), Benton (2), Clatsop (9), Clatsop (2), Colombia (2), Couse (2), Deschutz (2), Douglas (1), Hood River (2), Jackson (22) , Jefferson (3), Josephine (4), Clatsop (1), Lane (36), Lincoln (1), Lynn (2), Mulhall (22), Marion (17), Multnomah (29), Pork (2) , Umatilla (12), Wasco (4), Washington (14), Yamhill (1).

New deaths: The 532nd death in Oregon associated with the coronavirus is a 93-year-old woman in Marion County with an underlying illness. She tested positive on September 11 and died on September 15 at Sumaritan Albany General Hospital.

The 533rd death is a 93-year-old woman in Multnomah County with an underlying illness. She tested positive on September 14 and died at the Portland Adventist Medical Center on September 15.

The 534th death in Oregon is an 82-year-old Washington County man with an underlying illness. He tested positive on September 17th and died on September 19th at the Legacy Meridian Park Medical Center.

The 535th death in Oregon is a 75-year-old Lane County man with underlying health. He tested positive on September 1st and died at home on September 2nd.

The 536th death in Oregon is a 54-year-old man in Multnomah County with an underlying illness. He tested positive on September 3 and died on September 7 at the Providence Portland Medical Center.

The 537th death in Oregon is a 95-year-old woman in Multnomah County with an underlying illness. She Tested positive on 17 July and died on 31 August in her residence.

Oregon Health Department removes one dead from total, 26-year-old man in Yamhill County A special test conducted by the Centers for Disease Control showed that his death was virus-independent and was considered the youngest victim in the state.

Prevalence of infection: State officials reported a newly confirmed infection in 168 of the 3,522 tested, with a positive rate of 4.8%.

Infected person: Newly confirmed or presumed infections increased in the following age groups: 10-19 (27); 20-29 (43); 30-39 (28); 40-49 (26); 50-59 (25); 60-69 (21); 70-79 (5); 80 Over the age of (7).

People in hospital: The state on Tuesday reported that 138 Oregons with confirmed coronavirus infections are currently in the hospital, an increase of nine from Tuesday. Oregon is well below its capacity with hundreds of hospital beds and ventilators available.

Since it started: In Oregon, 31,503 infections have been confirmed or estimated, with 537 deaths, the lowest number in the country. To date, 644,570 Oregons have been tested.

-Kale Williams; [email protected]503-294-4048; @sfkale

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