Limited influenza vaccination due to high demand
Surgery by pharmacists and family doctors should limit influenza patients to the highest-risk groups due to increasing demand.
The bootchain has suspended a booking system for everyone except vulnerable groups, including people over the age of 65.
It said it faces “unprecedented demand” for vaccination, but NHS England says sufficient inventories are available.
Within the next few weeks, winter flu can begin to circulate with the coronavirus.
This can pose additional challenges to already expanded healthcare systems.
This year, England, Wales and Northern Ireland will be the first in Scotland to offer influenza vaccines over the ages of 50-55.
However, this must be after being given to those who get free NHS jabs, usually including women over the age of 65, pregnant women, and people with conditions such as lung disease and diabetes. ..
Boots said in a statement, “This year, our customers have become more conscious about protecting the health of themselves and their families, and protecting themselves from the flu has been at the forefront of many of us. I did.
“As a result, more people have booked early to get a flu shot than ever before.”
Pressure on stocks
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) states that other independent pharmacies also had to reduce vaccination rates.
Robbie Turner, RPS pharmacy director, said: “We expect more people to be vaccinated against the flu this year, and we need to ensure that we have enough inventories.
“We will continue to discuss with the government about the supply of vaccines and how pharmacists can support those at greatest risk.”
Professor Martin Marshall, chairman of the Royal GP College, said widespread vaccination against influenza will play an important role in preventing the NHS from being overwhelmed this winter.
He also said: “For the expanded program to be effective, the government now has an adequate supply of vaccines for everyone who wants one of the wider groups of patients eligible. Must be guaranteed.
“The RCGP sought to ensure that the government provided adequate supplies-and who, outside of the most endangered patients, prioritized influenza jabs, restricted supply, and patients. Please send a clear public message about this to manage your expectations. “
Big challenge
Vaccine supply-needs to be refrigerated-is a logistics challenge. However, NHS England states that it has sufficient inventory.
The Department of Health and Human Services states that it will soon issue guidance on how pharmacists and general practitioners can access additional stockpiles as needed.
It’s unclear how the flu will get worse this winter, but it can get worse in some years, but experts say the vaccine is perfect for epidemic flu strains.
Influenza, such as coronavirus, is a viral infection that is transmitted through coughing and sneezing. Social distance, masks, and hand washing should help reduce the spread of both.
Most people with the flu recover at home in a week, but people with chronic illness or over the age of 65 should contact the NHS 111.
If you suspect you have either the flu or Covid-19, stay home and self-isolate.
Schedule a coronavirus test if:
- High fever
- new. Continuous cough
- Loss or change of smell or taste
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