Americans in their 20s account for 1 in 5 new cases of COVID-19
The longer the COVID-19 pandemic lasts, the younger the victim.
According to a new study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the median age of COVID-19 in the United States declines in spring and summer, Americans in their twenties account for more cases now Than people of other ages.
The survey results are from the United States Control the outbreak of coronavirus, It will be needed Cooperation from young people..
May, Median The age of a US resident with COVID-19 was 46 years. By July it had fallen to 37, and then in August it had risen slightly to 38.
Similarly, in May, people in their twenties accounted for 15.5% of the confirmed COVID-19 cases nationwide. At that time, they chased people in their 30s (accounting for 16.9% of the total number of cases) and people in their 40s and 50s (accounting for another 16.4% in both age groups).
However, by June, 20 locations were at the top, accounting for 20.2% of all cases. This figure rose to 23.2% in July and returned to 21% in August.
The proportion of American cases in their 30s also increased in June and July. However, by August it was slightly below the level seen in May.
On the other hand, according to the survey, the proportion of adults aged 40 and over decreased steadily until the end of July.
As the total number of new cases increased, COVID-19 patients tended to be younger. In May, 604,570 Americans of all ages were diagnosed with COVID-19. By July, this figure had exceeded one million, an increase of 71%.
The CDC researchers who created the report used three types of data. A report from the national health department aggregates confirmed cases of COVID-19 and National Syndrome Monitoring Program Patients who visited the emergency room of a hospital with COVID-19 symptoms were identified and the results of coronavirus tests in 37 states were analyzed.
The trends towards younger patients are evident in all three data sources, the researchers said.
The increase in COVID-19 cases among people in their twenties was remarkable. In May, 93,741 Americans between the ages of 20 and 29 were newly diagnosed with the disease. That number swelled to 149,761 in June, 240,105 in July, and 189,366 in August.
Americans in their thirties have created the second largest group of new COVID-19 cases. Among people aged 30 to 39 years, 101,917 cases were confirmed in May, 130,415 cases were confirmed in June, 183,487 cases were diagnosed in July, and 148,500 cases were added in August.
Over time, infections in these young adults have Older and more vulnerable adults In certain parts of the country, researchers wrote.
In the southeastern United States Test positive rate In the 20s and 30s, the positive rate in the 40s and 50s increased 9 days later. Six days later, the positive rate for people over the age of 60 also increased.
In the Southwestern United States, the positive rate for people under the age of 60 increased, followed by an increase in the positive rate for people over the age of 60 after about four days. I saw the same pattern South Central State, There was a lag for 7 days.
The series of events provides “preliminary evidence that young adults contributed to the local transmission of COVID-19 to the elderly,” the researchers wrote. “Similar observations have been made Reported by the World Health Organization“They added.
The CDC team has some plausible explanations for why this is the case. Young adults are more likely to work in restaurants, stores, day care centers, and elsewhere Put them at greater risk of exposure To coronavirus. At the same time, they may be more indifferent about social gatherings and less sensitive to the need for physical distance.
Also, the fact that young adults are more likely to suffer from mild COVID-19 symptoms or asymptomatic infections means that they tend to spread the virus unaware that they are ill. ..
The median age of those who tested positive for coronavirus began to decline before the median age of all tested. The CDC team writes that this essentially eliminates the possibility that the observed aging of patients will reach more tests by adolescents.
The survey results are Health authorities targeting young people Researchers have written to adults who have an “age-appropriate preventive message” about the importance of preventing the spread of COVID-19. (Paul Rudd, Are you listening? )
of Investigation It was announced on Wednesday in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
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