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Common antidiabetic drugs associated with lower dementia rates


A new Australian study found that older diabetics who took a drug called metformin had a lower incidence of cognitive decline and dementia than those who did not. The findings are based on increasing evidence suggesting that this common drug produces a compelling anti-aging effect.

Metformin is the most Commonly prescribed medications In the United States. It is primarily used to control blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes, but over the past few years, researchers have begun investigating the surprising protective properties of the drug in old age.

Anti-aging agents are anything that can extend the life of an organism. In some animal experiments Metformin found To give the effect of extending the life One compelling study last year I have an accurate understanding of how drugs regulate anti-aging results.

Understanding the broader systemic effects of metformin in humans is a bit more difficult. Although the drug has been safely administered to tens of millions of diabetics for decades, it is difficult to separate the drug’s effects on the disease from other potential benefits.

Ah Robust 2017 meta-analysis We have organized a large amount of data that seeks to separate the effects of metformin on improving diabetes from its potential healthy life expectancy, or life-prolonging quality. The study boldly concluded that diabetic patients taking metformin showed lower all-cause mortality and a lower incidence of cancer compared to the age-matched non-diabetic population.

Looking at the effects of metformin on brain health, this study is irritatingly inconsistent. Some studies suggest drugs May delay cognitive declineAlthough others have discovered that people taking metformin may actually experience it High incidence of dementia.. Confusing all this data is the simple fact that diabetics are at a significantly higher risk of developing dementia than non-diabetics.

In a new research study, we looked at data from a project called the Sydney Memory and Aging Study. This ongoing observational study began in 2005 and has followed more than 1,000 adults between the ages of 70 and 90. The general goal of longitudinal studies is to investigate the effects of aging on cognition. No cohort showed signs of dementia at the start of the study.

Of the 1,037 subjects, 123 had diabetes, about half of whom were taking metformin. Over the average 6-year follow-up period, diabetics taking metformin were found to have a significantly lower rate of cognitive decline than those not taking metformin. More interestingly, the study found no difference in cognitive decline rates between diabetic and non-diabetic patients taking metformin.

“We have uncovered promising new possibilities for safe and widely used drug therapies that can change lives for patients at risk of dementia and their families,” said Catherine, the first author of the study.・ Samaras says. In the case of diabetes, metformin can provide some additional factor in the standard lowering of blood sugar levels in the treatment of diabetes. Benefits for cognitive health.

Of course, the big problem remains. How can metformin delay cognitive decline? Are these beneficial brain effects simply due to drugs that improve the symptoms of diabetes? Or do these cognitive benefits also occur in a healthy, non-diabetic cohort?

“Observational studies do not provide conclusive” evidence “that metformin is protective against dementia, but we encourage us to study this and other anti-diabetes treatments for the prevention of dementia. Encouragement. ”Interestingly, the question is whether metformin helps people with normal glucose metabolism. Obviously, more research is needed. “

And that work is certainly underway. Australian researchers are currently planning a large randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effects of metformin on non-diabetic subjects at risk for dementia. Another similar study is being done Plan in EuropeAcross several countries, we are recruiting 600 subjects to investigate whether metformin can delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

New research published in journal Diabetes care..

Source: Girvan Institute of Medicine

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