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Coronavirus Vaccine | Exclusive: Can You Expect a Coronavirus Vaccine by the End of the Year? Vaccine types, issues of mass vaccination


Monopoly: Can you expect a coronavirus vaccine by the end of the year?  Vaccine types, issues of mass vaccination

Monopoly: Can you expect a coronavirus vaccine by the end of the year? Vaccine Types, Mass Vaccination Challenges & nbsp | & nbspPhoto Credits: & nbspiStock Images

Main highlights

  • While waiting for a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine, many people have doubts about this virus and the vaccines being developed to prevent it.
  • Talked to some experts to get their views on some of the most common questions people ask, such as whether to get the vaccine by the end of this year
  • At least 34 vaccines are in clinical evaluation, some successfully in the final stages of testing, according to WHO data.

New Delhi: Scientists around the world are working hard to help understand the new coronavirus and its cause, COVID-19. There are currently no COVID-19 vaccines or specific antivirals, but several vaccine candidates, monoclonal antibodies, and other therapies are being tested and developed worldwide. Experts believe that a safe and effective vaccine for coronavirus or SARS-CoV-2 will help us return to normal sensations.

Many vaccine candidates show promising results in early clinical trials as pharmaceutical companies and researchers are competing to develop vaccines for COVID-19 using a variety of technologies. Draft COVID-19 Candidate Vaccine Released by US Government as of 21 September World Health Organization (WHO) indicates that at least 34 vaccines for COVID-19 are in clinical evaluation and some candidates are already in Phase 3 clinical trials. In India, three vaccine candidates are in different stages of clinical trials. These include COVAXIN, a candidate for Bharat Biotech-ICMR. It is the first COVID-19 vaccine developed in India, a candidate for Zydus cadila’s ZyCoV-D, and Oxford, called Covishield in India, tested and manufactured by the Pune-based Serum Laboratory. ..

Types of COVID-19 vaccine under development

Scientists are testing a variety of techniques because they want to provide immunity to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Some of them were not previously used in licensed vaccines. Regardless of the method used, all vaccines are intended to elicit an immune response that helps prevent or kill the virus if an individual becomes infected.

Types of COVID-19 vaccine under development

(Graphic credit: Nik Spencer / Nature)

Several platforms currently in use for the development of the COVID-19 vaccine include:

  • Inactivated vaccine: This type of vaccine uses killed bacteria that cause the disease.
  • Weakened live virus vaccine: Live vaccines use a form of attenuated virus that causes the disease. Here, the virus propagates in laboratory cells that are different from the cells that infect humans.
  • Viral vector vaccine: This type of vaccine uses a virus to deliver the coronavirus gene to cells. Here, researchers are using viruses that have been genetically engineered to prevent the body from producing coronavirus proteins (such as measles and adenovirus). There are two types: replication viral vectors (such as measles weakness) and non-replication viral vectors (such as adenovirus).
  • Nucleic acid vaccine: Some teams use genetic instructions (in the form of DNA or RNA) for coronavirus proteins that drive an immune response. Here, the nucleic acid is inserted into human cells and makes a copy of the viral protein. Most of these vaccines encode viral spike proteins, as in the report published in Nature. According to experts, RNA and DNA-based vaccines are safe and can be produced quickly because they do not require culture or fermentation instead of using a synthetic process. However, they have not been proven and licensed vaccines do not use this technology.
  • Recombinant vaccine: Basically, recombinant vaccines are developed to produce vaccines using bacterial or yeast cells. COVID-19 created using this design contains the entire spike protein or small fragments of the protein.

COVID-19 vaccine candidate that has moved to Phase 3 clinical trials

COVID-19 vaccine developer / manufacturer Vaccine platform Types of candidate vaccines Clinical stage
Oxford University / AstraZeneca Non-replicating viral vector ChAdOx1-S Phase 3
CanSino Biological Inc./Beijing Institute for Biotechnology Non-replicating viral vector Adenovirus type 5 vector Phase 3
Gamalaya Institute Non-replicating viral vector Adenobase (rAd26-S + rAd5-S) Phase 3
Sinovac Inactivation Inactivation Phase 3
Wuhan Biological Products Research Institute / Shinofam Inactivation Inactivation Phase 3
Beijing Biological Products Research Institute / Shinofam Inactivation Inactivation Phase 3
Modern / NIAID RNA LNP encapsulated mRNA Phase 3
BioNTech / Fosun Pharma / Pfizer RNA 3 LNP-mRNA Phase 3
Johnson & Johnson Non-replicating viral vector Ad26.COV2.S Phase 3

(Source: WHO / Note, Times Now does not guarantee the authenticity or effectiveness of any of the above mentioned in the chart above.)

When will the COVID-19 vaccine be available?

“It’s hard to say, but looking at the progress of vaccine trials, we need vaccines for” high-risk “individuals, including healthcare professionals, by early next year,” said CCCI cardiologists and epidemiologists, directors. Dr. D Prabakalan said. Vice President of the Indian Public Health Foundation (Research and Policy).

Dr. Harsh Vardhan told Congress on Monday that India could be vaccinated against COVID-19 at any time in early 2021. The Minister of Health also said that the three vaccines will give the government all the support it needs to develop a vaccine against coronavirus disease. Meanwhile, Indian pharmaceutical giant Dr Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd may begin late-stage Indian clinical trials of the Russian Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine in the coming weeks.

Who should get the first shot when the coronavirus vaccine arrives?

As the pandemic continues, pharmaceutical companies and scientists are rapidly tracking the process of developing a vaccine against COVID-19 in about 12-18 months, all hopefully. But experts warn that when vaccines become available, there are not enough injections to avoid them. Institutions such as the WHO have said they are working on plans to ensure a fair distribution of vaccines, but there are concerns that wealthy countries may have a reserve. So who will get it first, and if the vaccine arrives, how long will it take for a country like India to vaccinate the whole country?

“Healthcare workers, followed by older people, and people with comorbidities such as diabetes should be the first recipients,” said Dr. Prabhakaran, who needs to be vaccinated across the country by the end of next year or early 2022. He added that there is.

According to Aamit Khanna, pharmaceutical and healthcare consultants, doctors, nurses, front-line medical professionals, and scientists conducting clinical trials should be given the first shot.

Large-scale vaccination challenges

Vaccines and large-scale vaccination programs play an important role in global health challenges, especially in reducing morbidity and mortality, which are primarily due to infectious diseases.

“The Government of India has a great deal of experience in vaccinations such as polio, tuberculosis and other illnesses, but COVID-19 is a government because of the need to vaccinate quickly and effectively. Data science professionals can play an important role in this situation. Governments need to involve the private sector, which is already working with governments on health care management. India has the largest number of medical volunteers, the largest reach of medical services in India, including ASHA (Certified Social Health Activist) and ANM (Assistant Nurse and Midwife) workers. ANM and ASHA workers are the last Being a mile worker and playing an important role in the health of pregnant women, their geographical and social knowledge is unmatched. They are India’s best answer to rural efforts for vaccination. Current pharmaceutical sales are very dynamic, and public-private partnerships can really change the situation for the Government of India, “added Kanna.

However, as the main challenge is to distribute the vaccine, it is imperative to train more healthcare professionals to administer the COVID-19 vaccine.

The views expressed by the author are personal and do not represent the views of the Times Network.

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