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A young Scottish mother creates a disastrous “heartbeat” after being told she died of breast cancer a few weeks after giving birth


Giving himself a heartbreaking “list of life” after a young Scottish mother was told to die breast cancer Only a few weeks after giving birth.

Just 26 years old, Rebecca Broughton challenged to see the first day of her two 30-year-old sons at the age of 30. school..

of air The woman was four months pregnant when she was told she had stage 3 triple negative breast cancer last September.

Rebecca Broughton was four months pregnant when she received the catastrophic news
(Image: Kennedy News and Media)

Her catastrophic diagnosis occurred despite a mere 0.06% chance of developing the disease.

She underwent a mastectomy and four rounds of cruel chemotherapy after finding a large lump in her right breast while taking a shower.

The nurse was taken to the theater for cancer surgery two days before Christmas and gave birth to her second son, Rory, in a c-section in January 2020, just three weeks later.

However, while settling into her new mother’s life and recovering from life-changing surgery, Rebecca was told that her cancer had spread to her lungs and was in late stage 4.

Rebecca with her family
(Image: Kennedy News and Media)

According to statistics, she says her survival is less than two years, but Rebecca decided to celebrate her 30th birthday and created a “life list” of what she wanted to enjoy before she died.

The list includes the 29-year-old who takes the boy to Disneyland, sees the Northern Lights, and finally goes on his honeymoon with her husband Barry.

“I want to see Rory go to school, and I want it to be 30. That would be my goal.

“I work in a local hospital being treated and some nurses should have climbed Goat Fell on the Isle of Arran, but because of the coronavirus, all nurses play a different role. I will.

Rebecca with her husband and two sons
(Image: Kennedy News and Media)

“They are collecting money to do what is on my life list for me and my husband and boys. They are all great. I am very grateful.

“I want to take the boy to Disneyland, I want to see the Northern Lights, so I want to go to Lapland. When I got married, Joseph was 8 months pregnant, so I want to go on my honeymoon with my husband.

“I have smaller things, such as planting trees and getting stars named after me. Some of my online friends have raised £ 1,000 so far.

“I want to sleep on the beach, I want to sleep on the train. I want to check something a little smaller.”

Eight of the 10 cases of breast cancer are women over the age of 50, and women in their 20s have a 1 in 1,732 chance of getting the disease.

A year after the diagnosis, Rebecca shares her tragic journey in the hope that more women in their 20s and 30s will check their breasts-a warning that “cancer does not discriminate”.

Rebecca also said:

“It was shocking to get that diagnosis. When they told me, I felt like I was staring at myself.

“My message to people is that you will never be too young and you will never be stupid. If you feel something is wrong, go to the doctor.

“It doesn’t have to be a lump. If it doesn’t feel right or looks right, if it’s painful, never leave it.

“If someone reads this story and finds a lump, I hope it’s early enough to be treated. They don’t have to be in the situation I’m in.

“I would like to say that cancer is not discriminated against for women in their twenties and thirties. Who you are, at what stage of your life you are, whether you are pregnant, whether you are good or not. Doesn’t matter, or a bad person. “

Rebecca took a shower last September and felt a big lump on her right chest after weeks of pain.

She made an appointment immediately and referred her to the Breast Clinic at Air Hospital because her doctor reassured her that she was probably a cyst.

“I just took a shower and felt it. It was a big lump. It was very noticeable.

“I was probably in pain for a few weeks. I left it until I was pregnant, but later on it was an area of ​​lumps.

“Triple Negative is an aggressive cancer, so it grew rapidly. Breast cancer isn’t painful, but all the women I talked to in Triple Negative said it was chest pain. I paid attention to it and felt a lump.

“I went directly to the GP and soon she introduced me to the hospital-I was very lucky.

“She said,’It’s probably a cyst, but we want to be sure.” I was seen within about 3 weeks.

“I went to the clinic and they felt a lump. I went to a biopsy and when I was there the radiologist was very honest and it looked very suspicious It was.

“I was told that I had breast cancer in less than a week. I was 18 weeks pregnant.”

As soon as she received the shocking news that she had cancer, Rebecca began treatment. A mastectomy of the right breast was performed immediately after 4 rounds of chemotherapy.

However, despite learning that chemotherapy reduced her breast tumor, doctors found two small nodules in her lungs. Her cancer was widespread.

Rebecca said: “From there, it moved very fast.

“I gave four chemotherapy and went to December. […] Chemotherapy was working-the tumor was shrinking in size.

“They needed to combine my treatment with Rory, so they decided to take me to surgery.

“I had a mastectomy on December 23rd and went to Christmas Eve. It was very difficult.

“On January 15th I had a c-section, and Rory was born four weeks early so it was only £ 5 and an ounce, but that was okay.

“I did a CT scan because I wasn’t allowed to do a scan during pregnancy. I found two small lung nodules, but they were so small that I didn’t know if I had cancer.

“At that point, they were still on stage 3 treatment and were receiving radiation therapy.

“But on April 23, after repeating the CT scans, they told me they were done at Stage 4.”

Rebecca has been receiving oral chemotherapy since her final diagnosis, and she is currently receiving immunotherapy, admitting that she was “very lucky” to receive it.

Rebecca also said: “I was very lucky because few people get immunotherapy as a second treatment. Both my oncologists are great.

“At the end of the month, we’ll see if it’s working and if the cancer is shrinking. It’s stage 4, so it’s incurable, but it can be treated.

“They want to give you treatments that will help you live as long as possible.

“I was fine during the treatment. I was using a cold cap so I managed to keep my hair.

“I haven’t asked for a prognosis, but statistically, it’s about two years because it’s so invasive, especially for triple-negative breast cancer.

“I immediately agreed with that. I am a very positive person.

“There are positive stories and women who have lived for many years. I don’t consider myself a statistic.

“I have a lot of great friends and family. Without them I couldn’t do all of this.

“It’s nice to know that you feel loved and want people to enjoy the last few years of my life.

“People tell me,’You are very positive,’ but the only sure thing in life is death.

“You need to be positive, make memories and experience things. This motivated me to do what I wanted to do.

“There are people in my situation who are far worse than me. I am in a terrible situation, but there are many positive aspects surrounding me. It can be worse than me.”

If you want to donate to Rebecca here..


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