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Matt Hancock: I do not rule out asking students to stay on campus for Christmas


British Health Secretary Matt Hancock said he has not ruled out the possibility of requiring students to stay on campus during Christmas amid the crowded coronavirus in college halls.

At the University of Glasgow, 124 students have tested positive and more than 600 have self-isolated throughout their homes.

In Dundee, this week, 500 students at Abertay University were asked to self-isolate in a dormitory where three tested positive.

Professor Jason Reach, director of the National Clinical Department in Scotland, warned that he was “extremely concerned” about the situation.

In an interview with Times Radio, Hancock was asked if students would be encouraged to stay in college for Christmas.

He said: “We said students should stay in college until Christmas … we don’t deny the suggestion you made, but I don’t want to say that. A little rest. ..

“I hope we don’t have to say that, but as I say I don’t rule it out.

“The important thing is, in the short term, after going to college, you should stay in college to prevent the spread of the disease.”

Downing Street also did not rule out such movements in the event of an outbreak.

An official spokesman for the Prime Minister said: “In the event of a particular outbreak on campus, it is important that measures be taken to prevent the virus from spreading further.”

At the University of Aberdeen, 72 residents of Wavell House were asked to self-isolate after many students tested positive.

The university said they were supported by food and supplies, and the affected areas of the building were very clean.

Professor Reach describes the BBC breakfast as follows:

“I was worried when I came back, but now I’m worried.

“As expected, we have an incident. All the countries in the world that have revived the university have filed proceedings.

“We need to be very, very careful. Most of those cases will not get serious illness, but some of them will happen and some will potentially spread them to the community.”

A spokesman for the University of Glasgow said: “We are aware of two important clusters of Covid-19 positive cases in Murano Street and Cairn Cross dwellings. A refreshing week.

“We work closely with the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde public health teams to manage these.”

The university tweeted that a mobile test center was set up in Murano and affected students were supported by food and other supplies.

Healthy coronavirus
(PA graphics)

Minutes of a meeting of the Emergency Science Advisory Group (Sage) earlier this month show that the risk of outbreaks from higher education institutions is likely to be directed towards the end of the semester when students return home for Christmas and the New Year. Warning

He warned that this could pose a risk to families and communities, and said the situation required “national oversight, oversight and decision making.”

Greg Fell, director of public health at Sheffield, told Times Radio: “Obviously, students may need to legally go home for a variety of reasons.

“But basically, it’s a good idea to stay there.”

The University and College Union said the UK government needs to listen to science, look at experiences from other countries and instruct universities to put online learning in the default position immediately.

Secretary-General Jogradi said: “If the government doesn’t act now, thousands more students will move to campus this weekend.

“It is completely irresponsible to allow students to return to college when the outbreak has already begun.”

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