Careful communication is required to avoid the COVID-19 vaccination crisis
President Donald Trump Relentless Talk Interference with the COVID-19 vaccine approval process sets the stage for a vaccination crisis. Even before the vaccine is approved, public health experts are watching their confidence in the plunge in virtual vaccines, and they are already looking for ways to regain public confidence.
In May, 72% said they would be vaccinated, Pew Research Center Survey.. By September, only half said they would. That drop is Partially driven by a swirling drama about an unproven vaccine. Data and research protocols that are usually less noticeable are subject to rigorous research.
Many people who are now accustomed to vaccines usually say they are worried. They believe that the process is driven by politics, not science. They are worried that the Trump administration is pressing federal agencies to authorize the vaccine before it has been tested enough to show that it is safe or that it works.
Vaccine development is still in its infancy Still in progress.. It seems to be well deployed, at least for now, and it’s too early to say what will happen after the initial data for the trial are published by the drug company. However, the decline in confidence before vaccines are available is still associated with public health professionals. Vaccines cannot help people protect people without taking it. If too many people refuse, the population will not be able to build herd immunity.
Fortunately, Long delay Between vaccination approval and the time most people actually have the option to get the vaccine. This gives experts room to analyze the data and alleviates these fears if necessary. They probably treat it the same as they treat parents who are afraid of the vaccine. “We need to address people’s concerns and talk about the benefits of vaccination,” she said. brink..
This interview has been edited slightly for clarity.
To what extent is the fear of politically motivated rapid vaccine launch justified?
I think you need to remember that the vaccine hasn’t come out yet. That’s because the vaccine hasn’t been tested for safety and efficacy. If people are worried that it’s being pushed too fast, it’s still not working because we don’t have the vaccine. I’m confident that scientists and pharmaceutical companies are taking the right approach to balancing safety and efficacy testing with the desire to end a very dangerous and deadly pandemic as soon as possible. I think.
Is there a difference between hesitation about the COVID-19 vaccine and hesitation about childhood vaccination such as the measles vaccine?
I think there are actually many similarities between the hesitations found around the COVID-19 vaccine and the hesitations of regular vaccines found around childhood vaccination. Looking at what people are saying on social media about the COVID-19 vaccine, there are many of the same things that people tend to say about childhood vaccination. They include concerns about it being ineffective and concerns about unknown long-term side effects. There are concerns that it is being pushed for commercial gain or to improve the appearance of the government. And to some extent, we see this belief that innate immunity may be safer and better in child vaccination, and we see it a bit in the COVID vaccine as well.
But the big difference is that this is much more widespread. Many people say they are usually vaccinated and they usually accept the vaccine, but they this vaccine.
Have we seen the same thing before when people who are always accustomed to vaccines move at once?
My research so far has really focused on the hesitation about the HPV vaccine. It’s really similar, as many parents who choose not to vaccinate their children for HPV, like the COVID vaccine, are not anti-vaccines. They are worried that the HPV vaccine may not have been fully tested, or that they know they have serious side effects on Instagram and Twitter. You get these parents hesitant, but generally not anti-boxers.
Does the same strategy used to overcome these concerns with the HPV vaccine work with the fictitious COVID-19 vaccine? Are they different from the way you talk to someone who is clearly against the vaccine?
In general, it is much harder to convince someone who has a really strong belief that vaccination is dangerous to move to a parent vaccine camp. What we do as a parent and child is to promote the idea that everyone cares for their children and wants the best for their children. These childhood illnesses are no longer seen, but to explain or understand that they are very dangerous and very deadly.
Importantly, there are many studies that show that trust in the person who provides you is important. At COVID-19, it is important to ensure that healthcare providers are really well trained to communicate the safety, efficacy and importance of vaccines. That is a long way to go.
If most people who say they don’t get the COVID-19 vaccine are usually okay with the vaccine, would it be easier to understand why they actually get it?
of course. Much depends on how well the safety and efficacy of vaccines are communicated through the media, through pharmaceutical companies, and even through healthcare providers. However, I think that the needle will move if done well, and I think many people say that they will not be vaccinated.
In the worst case-when scientists aren’t confident in the data and the vaccine is actually licensed with negative side effects-what can happen?
I think it’s definitely harmful. There were cases where the vaccine was withdrawn from the market because the vaccine was not as safe as the initial safety data suggest. When that happens, it usually has a small number of negative consequences, but at the population level, we want to prevent it.
Ideally, they would hopefully have several vaccines at about the same time-so if one had to be pulled, the other would remain safe and effective.
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