COVID-19, flu, cold, allergies? How to tell the difference
of Coronavirus As we know, fads have changed almost everything about life, and are coming Flu season It is no exception. Now that COVID-19 is still widespread in many countries, wearing masks and keeping a social distance is as important as ever.
In fact, these precautions can also reduce the spread of the flu and colds in the coming months, Dr. Walt Orenstein, a professor of infectious diseases at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, said today. In addition to Coronavirus guidelines It is also important to understand the subtle differences in symptoms associated with colds, flu and COVID-19 this winter. Here is the guide.
How is influenza associated with COVID-19?
Influenza and COVID-19 are both infectious respiratory diseases, but they come from different viruses, According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.. The virus that causes COVID-19 is called SARS-CoV-2, and influenza is caused by the influenza virus.
Coronavirus and flu viruses cause similar symptoms, which can be difficult to distinguish from each other, said Dr. Eric Siepena, an emergency medical doctor at Northwell Health in New York City, today.
Think about how you were Exposed Helps determine if it is COVID-19 or influenza. For example, “I would be more suspicious of COVID if there was a high-risk interpersonal exposure to a potential COVID-19-positive person,” Cioe-Pena said.
Similarities and differences between influenza and COVID-19 symptoms
According to the CDC, these are Symptoms Frequently occurs in both influenza and COVID-19:
- Fever (100 or more), chills or fever
- cough
- Shortness of breath or dyspnea
- Malaise
- sore throat
- Runny nose or stuffy nose
- Muscle soreness and body aches
- headache
- Gastrointestinal symptoms
The only symptom that occurs almost exclusively with COVID-19 is Loss (or change) of your taste and smell.. “It’s not commonly seen in the flu, and if it happens, it really suggests that you have a COVID,” Orenstein explained.
However, this is not an absolute distinction, as not everyone infected with the coronavirus loses its taste and smell. If you have any of the above symptoms And Your taste and smell will remain intact, it may still be COVID-19.
Similarly sneeze It is the most common in the common cold, less common in the flu, and the least associated with COVID-19. However, the presence of sneezing does not rule out COVID-19, Cioe-Pena said, “nothing is absolute about this virus.”
Recent studies suggest that you may want to track Progression of symptoms Distinguishing Influenza from COVID-19: We have found that fever is most likely the first symptom experienced by people with COVID-19. On the other hand, cough was most likely the first symptom of influenza. It may be rare, but it is possible to sign a contract COVID-19 and influenza at the same time..
How long does it take to show flu symptoms compared to COVID-19?
With both COVID-19 and influenza, symptoms develop early 1-2 days after exposure. According to the CDC.. However, people with COVID-19 usually Symptoms appear..
Coronavirus usually manifests 5 days after infection, but can take 2 days to 2 weeks. With influenza, symptoms usually appear 1 to 4 days after infection.
What is the difference between allergies, colds and COVID-19?
Dr. William Schaffner, director of medicine at the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases in Bethesda, Maryland, said today that colds are easier to distinguish from influenza and COVID-19.
Common symptoms of colds According to Schaffner, less common with flu and COVID-19, but includes:
- Symptoms that stay on the neck (for example, not a chest cough)
- No fever or very little fever (less than 100)
- sneeze
- Nothing worse than stuffy nose or sore throat
Still, if there are only these mild symptoms, it could still be COVID-19 or the flu, Schaffner added, “all of them may be duplicated and spoofed.”
On the other hand, according to Siepena, if the symptoms are severe, the chances of getting a cold are low. “If someone (who has 104 fever) is dehydrated and appears to need IV fluid, it’s usually either flu or COVID,” he said.
Is there another way to assess flu, COVID-19 or a cold? Think about your flu level, Community coronavirus — And your habit, Schaffner said.
“Are you wearing a mask, evacuating, at a distance of 6 feet and avoiding a large group of people, or are you going out?” He said. “If you’re careful, you’re less likely to get COVID or the flu.”
I wonder it Allergy or COVID-19?? Cioe-Pena advised that this year is not the year to act as if it were not contagious, assuming that it was the first to develop an allergy in the fall or winter. But if it’s an annual event, you don’t have to think that you might have COVID-19 or the flu, he said. It should be noted that itching is usually “Sign” of allergies..
Make sure the symptoms are consistent with the previous year and are mild. For example, there is nasal itching with nasal itching, which is typical Allergy relief, Like Claritin.
How can you protect this flu season?
Orenstein, Schaffner, and Cioe-Pena provided the following strategies:
- Get flu shot By the end of October. Tell everyone who knows to do the same. (It does not protect against coronavirus, but it is an important public health measure.)
- In particular, take precautions to prevent the spread of the coronavirus Avoid crowds, Regular hand washing, Wear a mask Only interact outdoors with people outside the household.
- Stay home if there are any signs of illness. Contact your healthcare provider to find out if you can leave home safely.
- If you are young, healthy and have a mild illness, contact your healthcare provider before going to the office or hospital.
Finally, if you know you have COVID-19, contact your healthcare provider as soon as possible.
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