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Coronavirus: Wisconsin authorities warn parents sending infected children to school


As a suburban authority Milwaukee Complex preparations were made so that the children could return to the classroom in the classroom Coronavirus Pandemic, they did not plan one scenario: parents send a deliberately infected child to school.

But that’s exactly what happened multiple times Washington Ozaki County, health officials said this week.

“What happened and what happened, I never imagined it would happen, but I sent positive children to school,” Kirsten Johnson, a Washington Ozaki Public Health Service employee, told WISN. That’s it. “

Health officials are investigating cases in more than 24 schools in the county, and some demand harsh feedback from parents who have sent their children to class after being tested positive.

“When you have parents lying to contact a tracer and their children refuse to be tested, it’s over pale,” said Don Creefall, member of the Washington County Commission. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel report. “It’s very problematic for the Department of Health to manage the whole situation. You may have to drop the hammer.”

Wisconsin with over 1,200 records COVID-19 Death isn’t the only one currently struggling to deal with parents who deliberately evade safety systems in place to prevent the outbreak of the virus in schools, which kills at least 201,000 Americans. In Massachusetts last week, students attended the first day of high school and sent dozens of classmates to quarantine, despite a positive test. A similar situation in Oklahoma forced 17 students to be segregated.

In Washington and Ozaki counties, just north of Milwaukee, school district patchwork has adopted a variety of new semester plans, but many students offer students the option to go directly to school five days a week. I will.

Health officials are aware of at least three cases where students tested positive and appeared in class anyway, Ms Johnson said. Journal sentinel.. One of the Covid-positive students came to school and felt sick and went to a school nurse.

In some other cases, according to Johnson, parents lied that they had signed a contract with a tracer about the test results and who the child had contacted. Other parents also refused to test their children, even if they were clearly ill.

“The biggest challenge we are experiencing right now is that people are becoming dishonest,” said Ms. Johnson. Journal sentinel.. “They don’t want their children to be isolated from school. They don’t want them to have to be absent from work. By doing so, they directly keep the school and other people healthy. I’m jeopardizing my ability. “

Health officials are now requesting schools in Washington and Ozaki counties to use attendance software to track virus-positive students and prevent students who should be at home from attending classes. quarantine..

The county also plans to hire more contract tracers and will consider ordering the school to close in the event of an incident. As of Tuesday, the two counties were investigating cases in 25 different schools.

Early evidence suggests that schools have never been a hotspot for coronavirus infections, but health officials have no choice but to take the plunge if sick children continue to attend school. I said it would be.

“You won’t be able to keep the school open,” Creefall told WISN. “That is, only a few irresponsible parents will affect the entire school district.”

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