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American COVID pandemic is young and distorted


Thursday, September 24, 2020 (Health Day News)-A new study from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now shows young adults in their 20s describing more cases of COVID-19 than any other age group. I did.

From June to August, CDC researchers found that people in their twenties accounted for more than 20% of all COVID infections in the United States.

Unfortunately, these cases affect older people who are more vulnerable to serious and potentially deadly COVID infections, the CDC said.

In the Southern United States, an increase in the proportion of COVID cases between the ages of 20 and 39 preceded an increase in the elderly aged 60 and over by an average of more than 8 days.

“Young people who may not need hospitalization spread the virus to older and more vulnerable people,” said Dr. Ameshua Darja, a senior researcher at the Johns Hopkins Baltimore Health and Safety Center. .. “This change in infection patterns underscores the need to strengthen vulnerable populations, especially those in elderly homes and long-term care facilities, to isolate them from the chain of viral infections.”

CDV added that the United States is not the only country where cases of COVID tend to be younger.

A similar age shift occurred in Europe, with the average age of COVID patients dropping from 54 years in January to May to 39 years in June to July, with people in their 20s accounting for almost 20% of cases. It was.

Dr. Robert Glatter, an emergency physician at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, makes sense to be more vulnerable to infection when considering how young people work and play.

“Young adults make up a significant proportion of workers in front-line jobs, including retail, public transport, childcare, and other occupations that are likely to be exposed to the public. .. [restaurants, bars, entertainment] It can be difficult to stay socially distant and consistently wear a mask, “Glatter said.

Young people are less likely to follow the rules of social distance and may be attracted to large gatherings, as seen at large college parties when young people return to campus. Of course, these officials foresaw a COVID pandemic at many universities.

“This includes fellow pressure on socializing and drinking. This makes people more likely to remove masks, approach and speak loudly. All actions that increase the spread of the virus.”

Also, young people are less likely to suffer from severe COVID, but the virus dramatically exacerbates some illnesses, Adalja added.

“Especially young people are not completely immune to serious illness, and to some extent they can develop long-term symptoms that interfere with their lives, especially if they have comorbidities,” he said. Said.

In light of such findings, Glatters emphasized how important it is for young adults to wear masks, keep social distances and practice hand hygiene.

“These are the three most important actions to reduce the overall risk to others in the community, but especially for older people at high risk of severe COVID-19,” Glatter said. It was.

New research on CDC Weekly morbidity and mortality reports For September 23rd.

For more information

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears..

Source: Amesh Adalja, MD, Senior Researcher, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, Baltimore; Robert Glatter, MD, Emergency Doctor, Lenox Hill Hospital, NY; Weekly morbidity and mortality reports, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, September 23, 2020

What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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