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Researchers design hearing aids cheaper than a cup of coffee


Thanks to the team of inventors, people with hearing loss may have significantly improved access to custom hearing aids, which may be cheaper than the price of a cup of coffee.

Team led by members of Georgia Institute of Technology We have demonstrated an ultra-low cost proof-of-concept device called LoCHAid. The new design is intended to be manufactured and repaired from open source parts and 3D printed casings in places that are exorbitantly expensive for most people who need custom hearing aids.

Details of their proof-of-concept design are reported in the journal PLOS ONE, First published on September 23rd.

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Senior Citizens' Tournament

(Photo: Photo by Joern Pollex / Getty Images)
Hamburg, Germany-May 3: Exhibitors are wearing hearing aids at the “Seniorentag 2012” Senior Citizens’ Conference trade fair in Hamburg, Germany, May 3, 2012. The three-day tournament, like other European countries in Germany, specifically addresses the needs of older people and is becoming more and more common in the population. In Europe as a whole, low birth rates and improved health care are driving vital changes, with significant impacts on the labor market, public policy plans and government budgets.

ARHL Population Substitution

The LoCHAid component is estimated at 98 cents for a bulk purchase of 10,000 units and can be customized via a 3D printed case. Researchers aim to provide hearing aids as an over-the-counter (OTC) self-service solution for the elderly part of the population suffering from age-related hearing loss (ARHL).

“The challenge we faced was to build a minimalist hearing aid, determine how good it was, and ask how useful it would be to the millions of people who could use it.” And M. Saad Bhamla, Research and Associate Professor, Faculty of Chemistry and Biomolecular Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology. He added that the need for these hearing aids is clear, as traditional hearing aids are expensive and only a few people can use them.

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One of the factors that causes high costs among hearing aids is a special feature that does more than just amplify the sound so that the user can hear it. Hearing loss The frequency of occurrence varies from person to person and is characterized by non-uniform attenuation at different sound frequencies, challenging practical applications such as conversation comprehension. Hearing aids need to be sensitive enough to amplify the sound, but they do not distort the sound or add noise to the process.

The Georgia Institute of Technology-led team focused on ARHL Elderly people generally experience hearing loss At higher frequencies. Elderly people make up a large group of people in need of hearing aids, allowing researchers to focus on specific designs that function to the extent that they are generally hindered among their target populations.

LoCHAid: Hearing Aid Game Changer

“By adopting standards such as linear gain response and molding it with filters, the cost and effort required for programming is significantly reduced,” said the first author, Soham Sinha. According to the laboratory press releaseBorn in India, has been using hearing aids for many years. Shinha, an undergraduate student at Georgia Institute of Technology and now a PhD student at Stanford University, said he couldn’t get a hearing aid himself until he was a high school student.

Vinaya Manchaiah, a professor of speech and auditory science at Lamar University and co-author of the dissertation, explained that hearing directly affects our emotions and behaviors. He added it for adults, Hearing loss exacerbates cognitive decline..

Manchaiah also compares their LoCHAid with traditional hearing aids and “buying basic and luxury cars.” He added, “Most users only need a basic car to move from point a to point b. But in the world of hearing aids, not many companies make basic cars.

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