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Teenage death warns of “Benadrill Challenge”


FDA I issued a warning on Thursday Do not take diphenhydramine (benadryl) in excess of the recommended dose, following the explanation that at least one adolescent has died from abuse.

The agency is investigating reports of teenagers who died in hospital after participating in the latest social media epidemics that encourage young people to consume dangerous amounts of antihistamines. Cook Children’s Hospital in Fort Worth, Texas Three teens were hospitalized in May After taking up to 14 tablets. 1 Oklahoma 15-year-old girl dies from overdose We spurred the challenge in August.

“We know the news report of a teenager dying or arriving in an emergency room after participating in the’Benadryl Challenge’, which is encouraged in a video posted on the social media application TikTok.” Said the FDA. “We are investigating these reports and reviewing them to determine if additional cases have been reported.”

The recommended dose is generally 1 or 2 tablets every 4-6 hours for children and adults, respectively. Ingestion of more than the recommended amount of over-the-counter allergy medications can lead to serious heart problems, seizures, coma, or death. Hallucinations that seem to be the goal of the challenge are also possible.

This is not the first time children have been caught up in a wave of social media “challenge”. Dozens of teens were addicted in 2018 Consumption of disposable laundry detergent pods In “Tide Pod Challenge”. At least one death Reported in “Cinnamon Challenge”. Recently posted by the famous Tik Tokers My video of brushing my teeth, But the dentist soon It warned that this could cause permanent damage to the teeth.

Adolescence Over-the-counter drug experiments Michael S. Toche, MD, MD, Boston Children’s Hospital, said the phenomenon was widespread by making broadcasts available to children on social media platforms such as TikTok.

“We often see families not recognizing the dangers of over-the-counter medications, but there is a fair assumption that if it is dangerous, it will not be over-the-counter,” Tooth said. Ta Today’s MedPage.. “The family hasn’t locked it.”

The FDA has announced that parents should store and lock medicines to prevent accidental poisoning and teenage misuse of young children, which may be “probably to be tested”, especially during a COVID-19 pandemic. Recommended.

For children underlying mental illness, or teenagers at risk for substance abuse, the social isolation associated with the COVID-19 pandemic may further increase the desire to try over-the-counter medications. Toce said.

“This is certainly another sign of social isolation and the effects of COVID-19, as we have seen cases of self-harm, increased visits to emergency clinics for depression and attempts at self-harm. I think, “said Toce.

Healthcare professionals pay attention to cases of overdose and report to the FDA side effects associated with benadryl and other common forms of diphenhydramine. MedWatch The program was stated by the agency. “We also contacted TikTok and urged us to be wary of removing videos from the platform and removing other videos that may have been posted.”

The provider should also report the case to the local toxicology control center. Doing so will allow us to aggregate the data and gather information about how widespread this phenomenon is, Toce said.

If you suspect an overdose of diphenhydramine, seek medical attention or contact Poison Control (1-800-222-1222).

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    Elizabeth Flavinka Learn about MedPage Today’s clinical news, features, and research items. I also produce episodes of the Anamnesis podcast. Follow


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