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Less than 10% in the United States have antibodies to the new coronavirus


The answer tells us a lot about the number of people exposed to the virus in the United States and the number of communities that have spread there. In addition, the test strategy used in this study presents a relatively easy way to track Covid-19 disease activity over time, especially among vulnerable populations.

As of July, the short answer to antibody carriers was about 9.3%, ranging from an average of 3.5% in the west to an average of 27% in the northeast.

“This study clearly confirms that despite the high rates of COVID-19 in the United States, the number of people with antibodies is still small and is not close to achieving herd immunity. The study’s author, Dr. Julie Personet, a professor of medicine at Stanford University, said in a statement until the approval of the vaccine.

for the study, Blood plasma of more than 28,500 patients who underwent dialysis in July at approximately 1,300 facilities in 46 states operated by a single lab, published Friday by The Lancet, a researcher led by Dr. Shuchi Anand of Stanford University. The sample plasma sample was analyzed.

The overall proportion of antibody-positive individuals among those sampled was 8%. Because dialysis patients are not representative of the US population, researchers standardized the results by age, gender, race, ethnicity, and region, and estimated a serum-positive rate of 9.3% in the US adult population.

They found that there was widespread variation from state to state. Seven states are the early pandemic hotspots with a 0% serum positive rate to New York and are at the top of the list with 33%.

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Researchers were also able to find out who was likely to have the antibody. They are 2-3 times more likely to be seropositive, mainly black and Hispanic residents, and twice as likely to live in poorer areas, most populous than the white population. More likely than found that 10 times more people live in denser areas.

They also compared rates from their study with cases from Johns Hopkins University. They were then able to estimate that only 9.2% of seropositive patients were actually diagnosed with Covid-19 using standard test methods.

Why are you a dialysis patient? First, “patients undergoing dialysis in the United States undergo regular laboratory studies every month,” the researchers write, so “substantial infrastructure and cost to collect samples.” Was not necessary, and there were no other pandemic-related challenges.

In addition, risk factors for infection with the coronavirus and the development of severe illnesses (age, non-white, poverty, diabetes, etc.) are “common in the US dialysis population.”

For these reasons, researchers said dialysis patients may be considered an “ideal sentry population” for studying pandemic developments.

But as an author Accompanying commentary I would like to point out that there are still questions about how long an antibody lasts and how protective it is. Nevertheless, such studies can help find answers, especially if they can be repeated continuously.

“Anand and colleagues deserve the pioneering of a scalable sampling strategy that provides a blueprint for standardized national serum surveillance in the United States and other countries of the hemodialysis population,” said Professor Burnaby Flower of Imperial College London. Professor Christina Atchison wrote. They were not involved in the study.

The study authors have shown the same. “A monitoring strategy that relies on monthly testing of the remaining plasma of patients undergoing dialysis can generate a fair estimate of SARS-CoV-2 spreads, including the unreachable and unfavorable population of the United States. The effectiveness of community intervention during the COVID-19 pandemic, “they wrote.


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