Finland using COVID sniffing dogs at Helsinki Airport
Instead of putting the infamous test swab on the nose, travelers at Helsinki Airport in Finland are greeted by COVID snuff dogs that detect infections based on scent.
A four-month trial of the alternative test method is given to dogs waiting in another booth, where infected travelers wipe their skin with a wipe and then bottle it using a specially trained puppy. I will.
It takes only 10 seconds to sniff a virus sample before giving test results by scratching, laying down, barking, or otherwise informing the dog’s paw.
Sick travelers like dogs are advised to take a COVID test to confirm infection.
According to a tweet from Helsinki Airport, the service is voluntary and is primarily intended for passengers arriving from abroad.
The Covid-19 dog has begun work today in Arrival Hall 2B at Helsinki Airport. Dogs are trained to detect coronavirus from test wipes given by testers. The service is voluntary and is primarily intended for passengers arriving from abroad.
-Helsinki Airport (@HelsinkiAirport) September 22, 2020
As reported in a coronavirus briefing from Johns Hopkins University, one researcher at the University of Helsinki detected a furry friend approaching 100% sensitivity and infection up to 5 days before the onset of symptoms. I showed you what you can do.
Four dogs of different breeds trained by the Finnish Odor Detection Association started working on Wednesday, and Sniffer dogs were previously trained to detect cancer, diabetes or other illnesses.
Participating Animals — ET, Koshi, Miina and Baro are set to take turns working at the airport.
Finland is the second country after the United Arab Emirates and the first in Europe. This is a country that appoints human best friends to sniff out the coronavirus. A similar program started at Dubai International Airport in the summer.
Further research is needed to show the accuracy of this dog’s way of smelling, but it can provide a cheap and fast rating feature, especially in busy areas.
Herald wire service contributed to this report.
What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / June 24, 2020, / Compare-autoinsurance.Org has launched a new blog post that presents the main benefits of comparing multiple car insurance quotes. For more info and free online quotes, please visit https://compare-autoinsurance.Org/the-advantages-of-comparing-prices-with-car-insurance-quotes-online/ The modern society has numerous technological advantages. One important advantage is the speed at which information is sent and received. With the help of the internet, the shopping habits of many persons have drastically changed. The car insurance industry hasn't remained untouched by these changes. On the internet, drivers can compare insurance prices and find out which sellers have the best offers. View photos The advantages of comparing online car insurance quotes are the following: Online quotes can be obtained from anywhere and at any time. Unlike physical insurance agencies, websites don't have a specific schedule and they are available at any time. Drivers that have busy working schedules, can compare quotes from anywhere and at any time, even at midnight. Multiple choices. Almost all insurance providers, no matter if they are well-known brands or just local insurers, have an online presence. Online quotes will allow policyholders the chance to discover multiple insurance companies and check their prices. Drivers are no longer required to get quotes from just a few known insurance companies. Also, local and regional insurers can provide lower insurance rates for the same services. Accurate insurance estimates. Online quotes can only be accurate if the customers provide accurate and real info about their car models and driving history. Lying about past driving incidents can make the price estimates to be lower, but when dealing with an insurance company lying to them is useless. Usually, insurance companies will do research about a potential customer before granting him coverage. Online quotes can be sorted easily. Although drivers are recommended to not choose a policy just based on its price, drivers can easily sort quotes by insurance price. Using brokerage websites will allow drivers to get quotes from multiple insurers, thus making the comparison faster and easier. For additional info, money-saving tips, and free car insurance quotes, visit https://compare-autoinsurance.Org/ Compare-autoinsurance.Org is an online provider of life, home, health, and auto insurance quotes. This website is unique because it does not simply stick to one kind of insurance provider, but brings the clients the best deals from many different online insurance carriers. In this way, clients have access to offers from multiple carriers all in one place: this website. On this site, customers have access to quotes for insurance plans from various agencies, such as local or nationwide agencies, brand names insurance companies, etc. "Online quotes can easily help drivers obtain better car insurance deals. All they have to do is to complete an online form with accurate and real info, then compare prices", said Russell Rabichev, Marketing Director of Internet Marketing Company. CONTACT: Company Name: Internet Marketing CompanyPerson for contact Name: Gurgu CPhone Number: (818) 359-3898Email: [email protected]: https://compare-autoinsurance.Org/ SOURCE: Compare-autoinsurance.Org View source version on accesswire.Com:https://www.Accesswire.Com/595055/What-Are-The-Main-Benefits-Of-Comparing-Car-Insurance-Quotes-Online View photos
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