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Among the best lubricants for people wearing PPE, talc, petrolatum: research


According to a study published in the journal PLOS ONE, the best lubricants to use are those that are not absorbed by the skin and provide a long-lasting protective layer between the skin and PPE.

Scientists, including Imperial College London in London, UK, said that wearing PPEs such as face visors, goggles, and respiratory protection is an integral part of the working life of front-line healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic. I mentioned that it’s part of it,

They said that many workers wear facial PPE for a longer period of time than before to protect themselves from the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

However, researchers say that prolonged use of PPE, especially on delicate facial skin, can cause rubbing and shear damage such as skin lacerations, blisters, ulcers, and hives.

To reduce the effects of friction and shear, workers are advised to apply a lubricant every 30 minutes. This is unrealistic during shift work and states that it can expose workers to the virus.

Scientists added that many typical moisturizers are designed to be absorbed by the skin for a “non-greasy feel” and will not last long.

“We think moisturizers are good for our skin, but over-the-counter skin creams are often designed to be absorbed by the skin without leaving a residue,” said the chief investigator. The author, Mark Massen of Imperial College London, says.

“This is fine for daily moisturizing, but according to our research, greasy residues are needed to protect the skin from the rubbing of PPE,” says Massen.

In the study, scientists created a custom tribometer (a device that assesses friction between two surfaces) and used it to between the skin and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), a common component of PPE. I tested the friction.

They tested commercial products to measure how they change the friction between PDMS and the skin inside the forearm of a healthy 44-year-old male participant, and tested the friction at the time of application. ..

The researchers repeated the test process 1, 2, and 4 hours after application.

In this study, most products initially reduced friction by 20 percent, but some silicone-based and water- and glycerin-based lubricants increased friction levels by up to 29 percent over time compared to dry skin. I did.

However, scientists say the two products have reduced friction over time.

Studies show that talcum powder reduced friction by 49% and 59% in 4 hours when applied, and commercial products containing coconut oil, cocoa butter, and beeswax reduced friction by 31% and 53% when applied 4 time.

Scientists said the mixture of petrolatum and lanolin reduced friction by 30 percent throughout the test.

They found that when applying over-the-counter moisturizers, the friction during application was low, but increased dramatically within 10 minutes of application.

Researchers explained that this is because the active ingredient, known as a moisturizer, attracts water from the bottom to the top of the skin like a magnet, making it soft, unlubricated and fragile.

“Products that are not easily absorbed by the skin are products that provide a protective layer. In fact, it is best for PPE wearers to actively avoid creams and moisturizers that advertise a” non-greasy feel “.”-Author Zhengchu Tan.

“Friction can cause incredible damage to the skin, especially when applied for long periods of time. Our study shows that healthcare professionals and other front-line PPE wearers have found that on the skin. I hope you will be saved from suffering from the painful and harmful effects of friction. “

Researchers believe that this finding may help PPE wearers find the best skin-saving products.

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