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Dealing with the global tsunami of COVID-19 and post mental health issues



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Professor Vikram Patel (Harvard Medical School, USA) gives a new review of the effects of COVID at a special session on global mental health before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic at the ESCMID Conference of Coronavirus Disease (ECCVID). Announcement-19 Global Mental Health Pandemic.

He explains: “Mental health problems are already a major cause of suffering before the pandemic and are the most neglected health problems in the world. Pandemics are by exacerbating social determinants. , Helping to exacerbate this crisis. “

The pressure on mental health, which was already abundant before this pandemic, is growing at an alarming rate. Professor Patel touches on some of these in his talk. “There are so many issues that affect most of the population, including concerns about employment and income security, Closing schools and working from home puts a lot of pressure on families, “he says. And different levels of care, potential domestic violence situations, and fear of people becoming infected with this new virus. “

Pandemics can reverse years of global development, including in countries that can barely afford to go back in time. In August 2020, World Bank Governor David Malpas predicted that as many as 100 million people would be forced into extreme poverty. As a result of the global recession, the mental health tsunami will hit all the rich and poor countries. “The recession of 2008 affected primarily the United States, but the United States was followed by a wave of“ death of despair ”driven by suicide and substance use,” explains Professor Patel. “Without a huge level of government support for both the mental health sector and many other sectors, we are tragically facing this repetition, but perhaps on a much larger scale.”

He pointed out that there was already a global mental health crisis before COVID-19 arrived. “Mentally and It has increased by nearly 50% over the last 25 years. These diseases now account for one in ten years of unhealthy life worldwide, and youth suicide rates are rising in many countries. “

But he concludes: “I believe It provides a historic opportunity to rethink mental health care by enabling science that demonstrates the need to restructure mental health beyond the narrow focus of “diagnosis, physicians and drugs.” This should significantly increase the importance of prevention, eliminate coercion by adopting a human rights approach, and put a living experience at the center of everything, through action on social determinants of the first 20 years of life. Means that , And expand evidence that non-professional community-based providers can effectively provide psychosocial interventions. Above all, science emphasizes the need to embrace a variety of experiences and interventions to address this crisis-for most of us, the health crisis most likely to be seen in our lives. is. ”

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Provided by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

Quote: COVID-19 (September 26, 2020) Dealing with the global tsunami of mental health problems during and after September 26, 2020 Obtained from -mental-health-problems.html

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