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Short time from onset of symptoms to hospitalization worsens outcomes for COVID-19 patients



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A new study presented at this week’s ESC MID conference on coronavirus disease (ECCVID, held online) found that shorter time from onset of symptoms to hospitalization was associated with more serious illness and death in COVID-19 patients. Indicates that you are. The study was by Dr. Annie Wong-Beringer and colleagues from the University of Southern California (USC) School of Pharmacy, Los Angeles, California, USA, and was presented at ECCVID by co-author Amanda Chron.

Patients with COVID-19 evaluated in this study were treated at Huntington Memorial Hospital in Pasadena, California, USA for various periods of time. .. In this study, the authors evaluated the relationship between patient characteristics and pre-hospital symptom timelines and results.

all Population admitted from home with COVID-19 between March 14, 2020 and May 14, 2020, SARS-CoV-2 positive PCR results evaluated by retrospective review of electronic medical records and relevant population Statistics, tests, and clinical information were obtained. Patients were grouped based on time from onset of symptoms to admission, and clinical features, treatments, and outcomes were compared.

The study included 252 patients. 33% appeared within 3 days and 27% were 1 week after onset of symptoms. Patients who developed symptoms soon after onset (within 3 days) were more likely to be older (65 vs. 58 years) and more likely to have hypertension (59% vs. 41%). (14% vs 3%) Than those who were hospitalized a week later.

However, in this group that appeared within 3 days, fever (55% vs 66%), shortness of breath (48% vs 66%), unproductive cough (40% vs 66%), muscle / arthralgia (12%) 26%), but the level of organ failure is high and the overall assessment based on a severity score called APACHE II, which takes into account physiology, age and chronic condition, is poor. This faster presenting group was also likely to eventually develop (13% vs. 6%), with higher mortality than patients who came to the hospital for more than a week (15% vs. 3%) Onset.

Further analysis of the study group revealed that more than half (55%) of patients , And it was more likely to be given to people with fever with shortness of breath and / or septic shock. Despite receiving antiviral therapy, the mortality rate was as high as 23% for those who appeared within 3 days and 5% for those who appeared one week later. By comparison, the mortality rate for those who did not receive antiviral therapy was 7% in the earlier onset group, but not in the group that developed 7 days later.

The authors’ conclusions are as follows: “Our findings show that patients with COVID-19 who show significant complications become severely ill (within 3 days) shortly after the onset of symptoms and have complications even with antiviral therapy. And suggests that there is a significant risk of death. Management and vaccine prioritization should be directed to this patient population. ”

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Provided by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

Quote: Shorter time from onset of symptoms to hospitalization, COVID-19 (2020) obtained from https: // on September 26, 2020 , September 26) is associated with poor patient outcomes hospitalization-worse.html

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