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Influenza vaccination does not result in influenza.


One General myth What guides people to avoid flu shots is that they think the flu will give them flu. But that’s not just true. The virus in the vaccine is inactive, and the inactive virus cannot infect the disease. The truth is that your body may feel the effects of initiating an immune response, but that doesn’t mean you have the flu.

I am a nurse Public health experience Promotion, and I often hear this and other myths. Here are the facts and the explanation behind them.

Inactive virus

Flu, or fluIs a common but serious infectious respiratory illness that can lead to hospitalization or death. The CDC is about during the “good” flu season 8% of the US population You may get the flu. That’s about 26 million people.

The flu season is different each year, and the flu virus also affects people differently. One of the dangerous complications of influenza is pneumonia. Pneumonia can occur when the body is working hard to fight the flu. This is especially dangerous for older people, young children, and those who have a poor immune system, such as those receiving chemotherapy or transplants.

Historically Millions of Americans get the flu each year, hundreds of thousands are hospitalized, and tens of thousands die of flu-related complications. Between 1918 influenza pandemic, One-third of the world’s population, or about 500 million people, have been infected with the flu. Since then, vaccine science has dramatically changed the effects of infectious diseases.

The basis of influenza prevention is vaccination. The CDC recommends that all people over the age of 6 months without vaccination contraindications be vaccinated against influenza.

And just as polio vaccines don’t give polio to children, flu vaccines don’t cause flu. Because the flu vaccine is made of Influenza virus inactive strain, Can’t cause the flu.

However, some people may feel sick after being vaccinated against the flu. Therefore, the person may think that the rash has made him sick.

Why you feel down

However, the feeling in the weather after a flu shot is actually positive. It may indicate that your body’s immune response is working.

What Happens: When Vaccinated against Influenza, the body recognizes the Inactive Influenza Virus as an Outpatient Invader. This is not dangerous. It develops antibodies that attack the influenza virus when exposed to your immune system in the future. This natural immune response can cause low-grade fever, headaches, or general muscle aches in some people. These side effects can be mistaken for influenza, but they can be the body’s normal response to vaccination.

And the good news is that these natural symptoms are short-term side effects compared to the flu. It is estimated that less than 2% of people vaccinated against the flu will have a fever.

Also, people often confuse getting sick with a cold or stomach flu as flu. Symptoms of the flu include fever, chills, sore throat, runny nose or stuffy nose, body aches, fatigue, and headaches. The symptoms of a cold are similar to the flu, but are usually mild. Gastric flu, or gastroenteritis, can be caused by several different bacteria or viruses. Symptoms of gastroenteritis include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Pre-shot exposure

Some people get the flu after being vaccinated against the flu, but not from the vaccination. There are several possible reasons for this.

First, they You may have been exposed to the flu Before they are shot. It can take up to two weeks to get full immunity after being vaccinated against the flu. Therefore, if you get the flu during this period, you may have been infected with the flu either before vaccination or before full immunity develops.

Second, depending on the strain of the flu virus you are exposed to, you may get the flu even if you are vaccinated. Each year, influenza vaccines are created to best match strains of the influenza virus that is prevalent. Therefore, the effectiveness of influenza vaccines depends on the similarity between the virus circulating in the area and the dead virus used to make the vaccine.

If there is a close match between the two Efficacy of influenza vaccine It will be higher. However, if there is no exact match, the effectiveness of the vaccine may be reduced. Nevertheless, even if the circulating virus and the virus used to make the vaccine are not closely matched, the vaccine can reduce the severity of the flu symptoms and help prevent flu-related complications.

Conclusion: Influenza vaccination does not get the flu. I have treated many people who have the flu, so please give me a vaccination.

Libby Richards is an associate professor of nursing at Purdue University. This report was first published

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