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Massachusetts Coronavirus: 9,178 dead, 127,832 COVID-19 cases total


Post: Has been updated:

Boston (WWLP) – State public health officials have reported 515 newly confirmed COVID-19 cases in Massachusetts, bringing the total number of confirmed cases across the state to 127,832.

Eighteen new deaths have been reported, with a total of 9,178 confirmed deaths.

According to the Ministry of Public Health, 14,310 new tests were conducted, with a total of 2,174,560 people conducting the tests. Molecular test A total of 3,780,020 molecular tests were performed.

Antibody test: A total of 244 new individuals tested positive and 119,693 tests were reported.

Antigen test: A total of 1,492 new individuals are positive and 126,039 tests have been reported.

354 patients currently Hospitalization 77 patients in the intensive care unit with COVID-19.

Confirmed COVID-19 case:

  • New case: 515
  • Total number of cases: 127,832
  • New Death: 18
  • Total deaths: 9,178

Possible COVID-19 case

  • New case: 54
  • Total case: 2,218
  • New death: 0
  • Total deaths: 213

Interactive Map: Massachusetts Community Level COVID-19 Data Report

COVID-19 cases in a long-term care facility

  • Residents / healthcare professionals confirmed to have a high probability of COVID-19: 24,839
  • Facilities reporting at least one possible or confirmed case of COVID-19: 383
  • Possible or confirmed death of COVID-19: 6,032

COVID patient census by hospital

Data provided by the hospital to DPH the day before.. Total number of suspected and confirmed cases (including ICU)

Berkshire County:

  • Berkshire Medical Center: 0
  • Fairview Hospital: 0

Franklin County:

  • Baystate Franklin Medical Center: 1 patient, 1 ICU

Hamden County:

  • Baystate Medical Center: 18 patients, 1 ICU
  • Bay State Noble Hospital: 1 patient
  • Bay State Wing Hospital: 0
  • Holyoke Hospital: 1 patient
  • Mercy Medical Center: 3 patients, 1 ICU

Hampshire County:

  • Coolie Dickinson Hospital: 0

You can get more about Click here for the federal COVID-19 case.

COVID-19 Molecular Test: Also called a PCR test. This diagnostic test identifies the presence of genetic material in the virus. These tests are very accurate and a positive result means that someone has an infection now or very recently.

COVID-19 Antigen Test: This test confirms the presence of proteins on the surface of the virus. These diagnostic tests are slightly less accurate (that is, less sensitive) than molecular tests, but positive results suggest current infection.

COVID-19 antibody test: Also called a serological test. This test identifies antibodies. Antibodies are proteins produced by the immune system to fight off infections. Antibodies take weeks to weeks after infection, so a positive result indicates infection at some point in the past. It is not a diagnostic test.

Test by date: This refers to the date the sample (usually a nasal swab or blood) was taken. Most reports and diagrams on this dashboard use this date.

Total test: This represents the total number of tests performed and includes people who have taken multiple tests.

Who tested: This represents the total number of people who have performed at least one test. Even if a person takes multiple tests, they are still counted only once.

Case definition: A set of standard criteria used to count potential COVID-19 individuals (including symptoms, laboratory tests, exposure). Case definitions tell public health professionals to count people with illness. They do not teach healthcare providers how to diagnose or treat COVID.

Confirmed case: If the molecular test is positive, it is counted as a confirmed case of COVID-19.

Possible cases: People are counted as estimated cases in four ways:

  1. If the antigen test is positive and there are symptoms, or if you contact a patient with COVID.
  2. If the antibody test is positive and symptomatic, or if a patient with COVID is contacted.
  3. If you have COVID symptoms and are exposed to someone with COVID;
  4. If they die and the death certificate lists COVID as the cause of death.

More complete information about the COVID-19 case definition can be found at:

Suspected hospitalization: Patients who have not undergone clinical examination confirmed the diagnosis of COVID-19, but have signs and symptoms compatible with COVID-19, shortness of breath, or myalgia / fatigue, if determined by the hospital) ..

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