Coronavirus: Want to drink your worries? Here are some healthier ways to manage stress
In these difficult times, it is not surprising that some people seek alcohol to reduce stress a bit.
But there are healthier ways to address the challenges we are facing today.
Why do we drink more in a crisis?
For those who are stressed Drink more Less stressful than people. In fact, we often see increased alcohol consumption in people Catastrophe And Natural disasters.
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Alcohol helps to relax at first, but becomes even more anxious after drinking. Alcohol release chemicals In the brain that blocks anxiety.
But our brains like to keep balance. Therefore, after drinking, the amount of these chemicals is reduced, and anxiety increases as they try to return to their pre-drinking balance.
People may also be drinking more alcohol Relieve boredom It may involve staying at home without doing anything.
What happens if I drink more?
Alcohol affects your ability to fight disease
Alcohol affects the immune system, Disease and Infectious Disease Risk.
But Coronavirus Too new to know the exact interaction with alcohol, Outbreak of other viruses Drinking affects the immune system and makes it more susceptible to viral infections.
Therefore, if you have or are at risk of developing a coronavirus, you should limit your alcohol intake to give the immune system the best chance to fight it. The same applies if you have a flu or cold this winter.
Alcohol affects mood
Drinking can Affect mood, Prone to depression and anxiety symptoms.
This is because alcohol has a depressing effect on the central nervous system. However, when you stop drinking and blood alcohol levels return to zero, your nervous system becomes overactive. It can leave you Excited.
Alcohol affects your sleep
Alcohol can be confusing sleep. The sedative effects of alcohol can cause you to fall asleep quickly, but as your body processes alcohol, it becomes less sedative.
As you wake up throughout the night, you may find it difficult to return to sleep (not to mention the possibility of snoring and extra nightly bathroom trips).
Next day, You may feel more and more anxious and it can restart the process from the beginning.
Alcohol affects your thoughts and feelings
Alcohol reduces our ability to monitor and regulate us Thoughts and emotions.
When you start drinking, you don’t know when you can relax. After one or two drinks, think, “Another won’t hurt”, “I deserve it”, “Why have you spent a long day managing your children and working from home?” It’s easy.
However, as the consumption of alcohol increases over time, more alcohol is eventually required to reach the same relaxation point. Developing this type of resistance to alcohol can lead to addiction.
Alcohol links the health system
Alcohol-related issues also consume many health resources, including: ambulance And Emergency department. People have more accident When they are drinking. And drinking Domestic and domestic violence.
Therefore, increased drinking risks unnecessarily restricting emergency services and hospitals needed to respond to coronavirus.
How to manage alcohol consumption
Do not buy alcohol. The more you are at home, the more likely you are to drink. Increased access to alcohol also Drinking youth.
Monitor your drinking. When boarding a new one Virtual happy hour The same rules apply if you are in a trend or favorite bar.
Try to stay in the draft Guidelines 4 or less Standard drink 10 or less a week during the day.
Monitor your thoughts. It’s easy to think, “What happens if I have one or two extra?” Now, changes in your drinking habits may be a pattern in the future.
How to manage stress without alcohol
If you feel anxious, stressed, tired, or bored, you are not alone. But there are other healthier ways to manage those feelings.
If you are worried, remember that this is a temporary situation. Do mindfulness meditation or slow your breathing and distract with something pleasantOr practice Thanks.
Do as much exercise as possible. Exercise Releases chemicals in the brain I feel better. Get out for a walk or run, even if you can’t get into the regular exercise routine. Instead of driving, walk to a local store to get the supplies you need.
Maintain a good diet. I know Good nutrition It is important to maintain Good mental health.
Try to get as much as possible sleep As you can. Anxiety interferes with sleep, sleep deprivation can Worsens mental health.
Incorporate fun activities in your day. Even if you can’t always smile and do things that make you smile, think of something new and remember everyday.
The change need not be negative. Novelty activates the dopamine system, the center of our joy, Try something new.
So, please drink one or two glasses. However, do not overshoot and monitor stress levels to give you the best opportunity to stay healthy.
Where to get support:
• Alcohol drug helpline (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) – 0800 787797. You can also text to 8691 for free.
• life line (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) – 0800 543 354
• Depression helpline (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) – 0800 111 757
• Health line (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) – 0800 611 116
Nicole Lee Is a professor at the National Pharmaceutical Research Institute in Melbourne. Curtin University; Genevieve Boudingle Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology Queensland University,and Sonia Paulman Clinical psychologist and lecturer Newcastle University. This article was republished from conversation Under Creative Commons license. Read Original work.
What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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