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COVID-19 in Montana (Sunday, September 27)


GREAT FALLS — 200 new cases, 2 new deaths added to Montana Response total On Sunday morning. The following data is from the official website of Montana on September 27th.

  • Case and recovery total: Montana reports now 12,107 State-wide cumulative cases, 8,779 People have recovered.
  • Hospitalization: Status report 148 Active hospitalization and cumulative total 687 Hospitalized.
  • Currently infected (number: The state reports that are currently there 3,155 Active COVID-19 cases in Montana.
  • test: The number of tests has increased 1,022 New cumulative totals across the state over the last 24 hours of reporting 330,307.
  • Dead (number: Cumulative death toll in Montana 171, 1 increase from Friday.

The numbers reported daily by the state may differ from those reported by the county’s public health department due to regular delays in reporting data to the state. We recommend that you check the official website or Facebook page of your county’s health department for updates that are not yet included in your state’s daily updates.

CDC: Data released last month by the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) emphasize that people with the cause or underlying illness are at a very high risk of dying from COVID-19. According to the CDC, an estimated 94% of all COVID-related deaths in the country were those who caused the condition or illness. The CDC report states, “For 6% of deaths, COVID-19 is the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average 2.6 additional conditions or There was a cause for each death. The report states that the most common underlying medical conditions that contributed to COVID-related deaths included respiratory illnesses such as pneumonia, asthma, COPD, and influenza. Diabetes; hypertension; and heart disease. ..

COVID-19, Montana, Sunday, September 27
COVID-19, Montana, Sunday, September 27

Countries reporting new cases today
Yellowstone County Incident
3,206 Total | 85 New | 904 Active

Flathead County Incident
1,034 Total | 46 New | 378 Active

Roosevelt County Incident
354 Total | 18 New | 279 Active

Gallatin County Incident
1,353 Total | 17 New | 167 Active

Cascade County Incident
677 Total | 8 New | 257 Active

Lincoln County Incident
117 Total | 7 New | 14 Active

Glacier County Incident
279 Total | 5 New | 117 Active

Jefferson County Incident
77 Total | 3 New | 26 Active

Rosebud County Incident
635 Total | 3 New | 168 Active

Madison County Incident
102 Total | 2 New | 5 Active

Dawson County Incident
78 Total | 1 New | 16 Active

Cases in Lewis County and Clark County
275 Total | 1 New | 75 Active

Liberty County Incident
19 Total | 1 New | 6 Active

Pondera County Incident
29 Total | 1 New | 8 Active

The case in Richland County
79 Total | 1 New | 6 Active

Wheatland County Incident
17 Total | 1 New | 6 Active

Countries that do not report new cases
Beaverhead County Incident
85 Total | 0 New | 9 Active

Big Horn County Incident
900 Total | 0 New | 134 Active

Blaine County Incident
21 Total | 0 New | 6 Active

Broadwater County Incident
17 Total | 0 New | 0 Active

Carbon County Incident
116 Total | 0 New | 7 Active

Carter County Incident
4 Total | 0 New | 4 Active

Stowe County Incident
29 Total | 0 New | 14 Active

Custer County Incident
116 Total | 0 New | 13 Active

Daniels County Incident
5 Total | 0 New | 1 Active

Dialogue County Case
116 Total | 0 New | 6 Active

Fallon County Incident
5 Total | 0 New | 1 Active

Fergus County Incident
63 Total | 0 New | 6 Active

Garfield County Incident
17 Total | 0 New | 2 Active

Golden Valley County Incident
5 Total | 0 New | 0 Active

Granite County Incident
22 Total | 0 New | 0 Active

Hill County Incident
152 Total | 0 New | 32 Active

Judith Basin County Incident
7 Total | 0 New | 1 Active

Lake County Case
276 Total | 0 New | 34 Active

McCorn County Incident
19 Total | 0 New | 0 Active

Mieger County Incident
25 Total | 0 New | 13 Active

Mineral County Incident
2 Total | 0 New | 0 Active

Missoula County Incident
739 Total | 0 New | 254 Active

Mussel Shell County Incident
35 Total | 0 New | 2 Active

Park County Case
98 Total | 0 New | 15 Active

Phillips County Incident
121 Total | 0 New | 5 Active

Powder River County Incident
9 Total | 0 New | 6 Active

Powell County Incident
12 Total | 0 New | 2 Active

Prairie County Incident
2 Total | 0 New | 1 Active

Lavali County Incident
140 Total | 0 New | 18 Active

Sanders County Incident
46 Total | 0 New | 2 Active

Sheridan County Incident
13 Total | 0 New | 6 Active

Silver Bow County Incident
255 Total | 0 New | 60 Active

Stillwater County Incident
69 Total | 0 New | 28 Active

Sweet Grass County Cases
43 Total | 0 New | 7 Active

Teton County Incident
21 Total | 0 New | 1 Active

Toole County Incident
76 Total | 0 New | 7 Active

Treasure County Incident
3 Total | 0 New | 0 Active

Valley County Incident
83 Total | 0 New | 26 Active

Wibaux County Incident
9 Total | 0 New | 0 Active

What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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