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Everything you need to know about heart failure


World Heart Day 2020: Everything You Need to Know About Heart Failure

World Heart Day 2020: There are several cardiovascular diseases that can affect heart health


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World Heart Day is held on September 29th every year. According to the World Heart Federation, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Therefore, it takes time to understand the various heart diseases and factors that put individuals at higher risk. The theme of World Heart Day 2020 is “Using the Heart to Overcome Cardiovascular Diseases”. The function of the heart is to pump blood throughout the body to oxygenate all organs, and if it does not work this way, it is called heart failure. This usually happens when the heart is not strong enough to collect oxygen from the lungs or pump oxygen-rich blood around the body. The blood that is supposed to be pumped from the heart is backed up and collected in the lungs and other parts of the body. This can cause shortness of breath and swelling in the hands, feet, and feet.

People with heart failure have an enlarged heart that can be seen on a chest x-ray. When the weak heart struggles to pump all the blood, the muscle fibers of the heart stretch. Over time, this extra stretch causes the heart to become a large, weak tuft. This causes serious health problems and requires immediate treatment. Early diagnosis and medication can help you lead a more active life than without treatment.

However, if medication does not change the condition, it is called end-stage heart failure. It is important to consult an experienced cardiologist for diagnosis and accurate treatment.

World Heart Day 2020: All about Heart Failure

How to recognize heart failure?

Some are easily confused with normal aging and other illnesses. The more heart failure progresses, the more likely it is that the symptoms will worsen. Below are some common ways to get symptoms from the heart-

1. Dyspnea -If you have difficulty breathing after climbing a few steps, or if you still have problems sitting down.

2. Sleeping disorder -Due to shortness of breath, I nod to sleep or suddenly wake up in the middle of the night, gasping for air.

3. cough -Dry cough while sleeping, pinkish sputum when lying down.

Four. Malaise -Mind failure makes you feel victorious.

Five. swelling -When the ear is unable to move blood, blood accumulates in certain areas that lead to swelling.

6. Decreased appetite -The feeling of hunger is lost and becomes more noticeable as the stage progresses.

7. Frequent urination -Visit the bathroom at midnight

8. Palpitations of the heart -The feeling of racing your heartbeat as if it were too fast. Try to beat faster to make up for the amount of blood pumped.

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Photo credit: iStock

Classification of heart failure

Classification helps to understand the chronic and progressive nature of heart disease and helps with direct therapeutic intervention.

To Stage APatients are at increased risk of developing heart failure due to existing conditions such as coronary artery disease, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus.

To Stage B, The patient has structural heart disease and contractile dysfunction of the left ventricle, but is asymptomatic at rest.

To Stage C, The patient suffers from systolic dysfunction and is experiencing symptoms, or has a history of previous symptoms of heart failure.

To Stage DPatients have intractable symptoms such as dyspnea and resting fatigue, despite optimal medical treatment. At this stage, the patient is considered terminally ill with heart failure.

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Photo credit: iStock

What is Congestive Heart Failure?

End-stage heart failure is a condition in which the heart muscle becomes severely dysfunctional in an attempt to pump blood through the body, and all other available treatments no longer help improve heart function. End-stage heart failure is the final stage of heart failure. Heart failure, also known as congestive heart failure, or CHF, is a condition that occurs when the heart is unable to pump enough blood. Despite its name, the diagnosis of heart failure does not mean that the heart is trying to stop beating. The term “failure” refers to the fact that the heart muscle is weakened and cannot pump blood in the normal way.

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(Dr. Kewal Krishan, Director-Heart Transplant & Ventricular Auxiliary Device, Chief Consultant-Max Super Specialty Hospital, New Delhi, Saket Cardiac Surgeon)

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