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World Heart Day 2020: Irregularly, PCOS can have long-term effects on women’s heart health


Women with irregular periods often do not realize that it is a symptom and do not believe it is normal, but the truth is that irregular and unpredictable periods are the main aid in diagnosing PCOS. It is one of the symptoms.

Menstruation is not a walk in the park itself, but irregularities in the menstrual cycle can lead to more difficult situations for many women. Studies have shown that women who have usually experienced irregular periods in the past are 28% more likely to develop heart disease than women who report a regular monthly period. World Heart Day takes place on September 29th each year, and prior to that, let’s take a closer look at this link between the irregular menstrual cycle and heart health.

Lack of awareness about PCOS in India

Women who suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) caused by high levels of androgens are more likely to complain of irregular cycles, overweight or obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure, all of which are heart disease. Is a risk factor for stroke. Other common functions of PCOS include painful periods, excessive hair, hair loss from the head, acne, and difficulty in pregnancy.

In India, women continue to suffer quietly. Women with irregular periods often do not realize that it is a symptom and do not believe it is normal, but the truth is that irregular and unpredictable periods are the main aid in diagnosing PCOS. It is one of the symptoms. Even acne and excess facial hair do not throw a red flag in most cases. This demonstrates a deep-seated lack of awareness and stigma of sexual and reproductive health in the country. Women with PCOS may not experience it twice a month, rarely, or even months at a time. Bleeding can be mild or heavy enough to cause anemia. This is a condition that affects many Indian women and can be detrimental to heart health.

Although 80% of women with PCOS are obese, obesity does not cause PCOS and PCOS does not always lead to obesity. PCOS is associated with metabolic dysfunction, which makes it easier to gain weight and makes it difficult to lose weight. It has been observed that women with PCOS are generally insulin resistant, have high insulin levels, and are at increased risk of diabetes and thus heart disease. It also increases the likelihood of high blood pressure, liver disease, and sleep apnea.

Heart health and PCOS

A possible reason why women with PCOS are at increased risk of heart disease is that they are overweight and have higher blood pressure and diabetes than PCOS.

Related weight gain, acne, excess facial hair, and infertility can affect your self-esteem, lead to stress, and are a major cause of developing heart disease early in life.

There is no cure for PCOS, but it can be managed by changing certain lifestyles. Experts say women need to be proactive in protecting their health. Excessive weight loss can reduce the severity of some PCOS symptoms. Weight loss of 5-10% has significant health benefits such as a more regular menstrual cycle, improved mood, and reduced risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Tracking periods to record changes in your menstrual cycle can help you track signs of health problems. If you have a family history of health, you need to be more careful. Maintaining a healthy weight by adopting a healthy lifestyle, exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet can be very helpful in managing PCOS and its associated health risks. .. Women with PCOS are also at increased risk of developing depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, and sexual dysfunction.

This article was written by Dr. Apparnajaswar, additional director of cardiac pacing and electrophysiology at the Fortis Escort Heart Institute in New Delhi.

For more information, see the following articles. Heart disease..

Firstpost’s Health Article is produced by, India’s first and largest resource for validated medical information. At myUpchar, researchers and journalists work with doctors to provide all the information about health.

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