I am worried about my heart with the changed lifestyle with COVID-19
Cardiologists are worried that exercise and diet will take up the backseat and anxiety and fear are imminent as their lifestyle has changed for fear of being infected with COVID-19.
Professor Ambuj Roy, a professor of cardiology at AIIMS in Delhi, said 170,000 people died of cardiovascular disease in India this year due to the very strong nature of the infectious disease (COVID deaths per 10,000). hand). “Acute (immediate) care is always better than chronic (long-term) care,” he says. “Be more careful because COVID causes a kind of unhealthy and horrifying lifestyle that can have various effects on heart health in the long run. Ignore the unclear ones. Must not be. “
This is obvious. Cardiologists around the world are reporting a significant increase in sudden cardiac death, even as the current focus shifts to challenges from COVID and other infectious diseases. “The viral complications for the human body may not yet take root, but COVID also has a mysterious relationship with the heart,” said Dr. Amit Boushan Sharma of Gurgram at Paragram Hospital.
COVID exacerbated existing heart problems. Independent studies in Italy, France, the United States, and China have confirmed a 50% reduction in hospitalizations for heart disease patients for patients and their families who are reluctant to go to the hospital during a pandemic. A good example is the case of Indole, an Indole bank accountant with low cardiac pumping capacity. He has been stable since 2012 with meticulous exercise, diet and drug prescription. However, he missed regular follow-up during the lockdown and was afraid of hospitalization. During his walk, he recently began to run out of breath and only almost seven months later asked for a visit with a cardiologist. Examination revealed that his heart was having a hard time pumping blood to the rest of the body because his regular schedule was interrupted during the period when he was unable to leave his house. It was. He is one of thousands of patients whose chronic heart disease has changed acutely during lockdown. Indelgit’s medicine was adjusted and his life was saved, but many are not so lucky.
COVID can be one of the causes of heart problems. Researchers at the European Society of Cardiology have found that teenagers suffering from anxiety and depression can have a 20% increased risk of heart attack when they reach middle age. Increasing reports of depression among young people require vigilance and looking for signs of exceeding normal teenage anxiety, said Dr..S Venkatesh, a consultant at Astor RV Hospital in Bengaluru. I am. “It is imperative that people who have had heart problems or have been recently diagnosed have regular tests,” he adds.
Heart disease begins earlier than before. India Registrar General states that 32% of adult Indians died of cardiovascular disease between 2010 and 2013, with younger heart disease-related deaths in India. 2015 survey Lancet It was found that 40% of Indians under the age of 55 develop a heart attack. “Currently, 35-40 years old is the new era of watches in India, 15 years younger than the West,” says Dr. Sharma. Warning signs should not be ignored, whether in your 30s or 50s. He adds that it is important to keep in touch with the doctor on a regular basis, as comorbidities are a concern for COVID.
Aggression can keep you healthyDr. Rahul Patil, an intervention cardiologist at the Srijayadeva Institute for Cardiovascular Sciences in Bengaluru, said: According to a study published in the European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, patients with ironic or irritable heart attacks may be at risk of health. This study suggests that hostility is an independent predictor of death from a second heart attack after adjusting for other factors such as diabetes, high blood pressure, lack of exercise, stress, lack of sleep, smoking, and an unhealthy diet. doing. “Stress resilience is enhanced by the release of serotonin, a happy hormone. You are never too young to lead a healthy lifestyle in the heart,” he says.
New survey
Due to the low hospitalization and low attendance rate of Indian cardiologists, the Indian Cardiovascular Society has begun a national survey of 200 hospitals nationwide for the first time. Data were collected from 41,000 heart attack patients hospitalized between March and June (the most stringent lockdown month), and the results are currently being analyzed. According to Dr. Jabil Abdulacti, a member of Kochi’s core committee, the unpublished study is the most detailed science of what happened in hospitalization for a heart attack in India and the results during and early lockdown Unlocking is one of the insights. “Cardiac and non-cardiac variables explain risk statistics and help calculate the relative contribution of each factor to high mortality,” he says.
Warning sign
Chest pain: Do not ignore persistent chest pressure, ignore it as stomach pain.
Dyspnea: Distinguish between lung-related and heart-related shortness of breath. The former occurs because of activities. The latter is due to a lying posture, which causes choking and choking.
Physical signs: Swelling of legs, bluish lips and face, disorientation, or incomprehensible stories
And the difference is??
A heart attack is a plumbing problem. There is damage to part of the heart muscle caused by inadequate blood flow to that area. Most often, this is caused by a blockage in one of the arteries in the heart, which is more severe due to a sudden outage of blood supply. Immediate thrombectomy or angioplasty is needed to save lives and prevent permanent damage
Cardiac arrest is an electrical problem. This happens when the heart’s electrical system malfunctions and the heart beats rapidly and chaotically or stops beating completely. Heart attacks are a common cause of cardiac arrest, but most heart attacks Absent It leads to cardiac arrest.
heart failure It is a fundamental problem due to myocardial weakness or stiffness. This occurs because of a previous episode of a heart attack that leads to progressive damage to the heart. There is usually a feeling of stuffiness and tiredness.
September 29th will be held as World Heart Day, and this year’s theme is “Use your heart to hit CVD”
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