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The NHS Covid-19 app has over 10 million downloads but is having problems


The UK contact tracking app, released about four months after the original promise, has proven to be very popular with English and Welsh people, but has encountered technical problems.

After extensive testing Criticism of many accidents and technical issues, England and Wales NHS Contact Tracking App Released on September 24th.. It is designed to be an important new tool that works with traditional contact tracking devices that are currently struggling in the UK.t forms the center of of NHS test and trace service UK and NHS Wales Test, Trace, and Protection Program – Identify the contact information of someone who tested positive for Covid-19 and helped prevent further spread of the virus.

The current app is a technological advance in the first version envisioned in April 2020, Centralized database structure with limits revealed in first trials in April and May.. The product is currently Based on a distributed data collection model using Google and Apple’s application programming interface (API) technology, And is said to have been shown in tests conducted among London Borough of Newham, the Isle of Wight, and NHS volunteer respondents-tested positive when used in conjunction with traditional contact tracking methods. Very effective in contacting the person who volunteered. Coronavirus measures.

The app is available in multiple languages ​​for people 16 and older, with proximity tracing using Bluetooth Low Energy, zip code district-based risk alerts, on-site QR check-in, symptom checkers, and test bookings. included. The app’s contact tracking element works by logging the time a user spends near other app users and the distance between them, which was later tested positive by Covid-19. You can send an alert if someone is near you.

The “check-in” feature, which uses a QR code, allows British and Wales corporate customers and visitors to check in by phone using the Covid-19 app instead of filling out company-specific visitor books and tools. I can do it. This allows NHS Test and Trace to contact customers and provide public health advice in the event of a Covid-19 outbreak related to the location they visited. Certain businesses in the United Kingdom are required by law to display NHS test and trace QR codes so that customers with the NHS Covid-19 app can use them to check in.

Data released by the NHS show that people in England and Wales responded overwhelmingly to calls for downloads after online, television and newspaper ads raged. NHS Covid-19 AppSo far, more than 10 million people have downloaded it, and on the release date, 6 million people have downloaded it.

Over 10 million people have downloaded the NHS Covid-19 app

In addition, on Saturday, September 26, more than 1.5 million venue check-ins were recorded and the app download was open to the public. Over 460,000 companies have adopted the app by downloading and printing a QR code poster so that users of the app can scan and check in on the premises. This number is 160,000 just before the release.

British Healthcare and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock, who has bet a lot of political capital on the success of the app, called the first enthusiastic reaction “absolutely great.”

“This is a strong start, but the more people who download the app, the more effective it is, so we want to increase the number of people and companies that support the app,” he said. “If you haven’t downloaded it yet, we encourage you to join the ever-growing number and protect yourself and your loved ones.”

However, despite this optimism, technical problems became apparent. The intent is that anyone who receives a positive test result can record the result in the app. If you are taking the test at the NHS Hospital through a PHE lab that conducts the NHS Hospital test, or in a surveillance study, you can request the test from the NHS test and trace and record positive results.

However, many people in the UK who took the Covid-19 test at the NHS Hospital were unable to add the test results to the app, as recommended by the UK government. Interestingly, no such difficulties have been reported to those doing the same test in Wales. Other users reported receiving notifications to check the app via smartphone alerts, but after activation, no subsequent warnings or notifications from the app itself were found.

In addition, IT experts have expressed concern about data privacy regarding future features of the app. The Chartered Institute for IT pointed out that the planned development of an NHS contact tracking app that assesses a user’s lifestyle for Covid-19 risk is a “warning” and needs to be clarified.

“Comments from [app’s] Adam Leon Smith, chair of the software testing group, said: BCS, UK IT bureau..

“Scoring approaches with these types of algorithms are often inaccurate and can have unintended side effects. Some data is stored locally unencrypted,” he said. .. “This isn’t a big deal because sensitive information is stored by Google and Apple, so it looks like it’s just system configuration data, but it’s going to be enhanced to include personal risk scores, etc. So I need to encrypt this. I would like to prevent this from being passed to the developer’s server in order to establish a centralized tracking system with the backdoor. “

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