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NHS Covid-19 App: 12 Million Downloads-And Many Questions


Rory Seran Jones & Zoe Kleinman
Technology reporter

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  • Coronavirus pandemic

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Secretary of Health Matt Hancock states that the NHS Covid-19 app has been downloaded 12.4 million times by noon.

Contact Tracking App-Covering England and Wales-Released September 24th.

The Department of Health and Human Services emphasized that its use is voluntary.

It also states that the guidance issued by the app on whether to self-separate or take a test cannot be enforced by law.

The app itself may seem simple, but it raises a lot of questions about how it works and what its limitations are.

Here are our attempts to answer some of your questions:

Why can’t I log out of my location after logging in?

One of the features of the app is the ability to scan a QR barcode to log in to a pub, restaurant, or other location. Instead of actually handing over the contact details to the business on a paper log or website (which Wales still needs), do both).

Image captionRestaurants and other leisure facilities are supposed to display a unique QR code at the entrance of each facility

However, people are aware that they can’t log out while they can log in, and that unless they log in elsewhere, they think they’ll still be there until midnight, even if they leave the app right away.

However, the point of QR scanning is not the proximity to the infected person registered via Bluetooth’s contact tracking feature, but the registration of their presence at that location.

If the location is later identified as a virus hotspot, a warning will be sent to the person who scans the QR code there-monitor for signs of the virus rather than self-isolating.

But they can’t warn that someone has arrived at the pub after you leave, and they later tested positive because your phones couldn’t be physically close to each other at the same time. ..

Why can’t I enter a negative test result?

On Friday, it was revealed that some test results arrived without the code needed to register for the app.By Saturday night, the Ministry of Health said

The code is provided with all positive test results, By phone from the contact tracking team.

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However, some people ask why there is no code with negative results. In particular, the self-separation countdown begins as soon as someone registers as having a symptom.

There seem to be some answers. If you are told to self-separate because you have been in contact with an infected person, you should do so regardless of whether you tested negative yourself.

If you are a potential infected person, no one will be notified via the app without a positive result. However, you cannot disable the timer, so you must use it. However, as mentioned above, compliance with this cannot be legally enforced.

Then there is the fact that after reporting the symptom, it is intended to deploy the test via the app. In this case, the result (affirmative, negative, or invalid (that is, requires retesting)) is automatically registered with the app without the need to enter a code.

Why doesn’t the location change when I move?

When you download the app for the first time, you will be asked for part of your zip code. Next, the home screen will display a message indicating the risk level in your area.

Why doesn’t this change when I move somewhere, for example when a student leaves home and goes to college?

Immediately after the development of the app began, privacy campaign activists expressed concern about the government’s tracking of people, promising that location tracking was not a feature of the app.

However, there is a way to change the zip code without reinstalling the app.[このアプリについて],[データの管理]You can edit the zip code by moving to.

Image copyrightNHS

Why doesn’t it work on my phone?

Many people, especially those using iPhones prior to the 6S released in 2015, are aware that they can’t install the app on their phones.

This is not a decision made by the developer of the app, but a limitation by Apple and Google. They designed the toolkit that underlies this and many other contact tracking apps around the world-and decided that older phones weren’t suitable for running the technology behind the app.

High-tech companies say older phones can’t effectively implement the Bluetooth technology required by the app.

Notifications arrive and then disappear-what’s happening?

Many people receive notifications about a virus infection and report that they cannot find out what they need to do next.

Some people are confused by the way they are described, including the phrase “exposure date, duration, signal strength was saved”.

It seems that it may be connected to the Apple-Google system. The Apple-Google system may send so-called exposure notifications.What’s here FAQ from the app team Say about this issue:

“These are the default messages from Apple and Google. Don’t worry if you overlook or overlook them. These are just displayed to let you know that the feature is on and working. Currently , These defaults cannot be turned off. Apple and Google notifications.

“Important messages from the NHS Covid-19 app are always visible from within the app.”

Like other apps, NHS Covid-19 gets updates and new features.And the NHS Invite people to send feedback About the problems they faced and the features that could improve the app.

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