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Experts said that the number of deaths in the UK could be “just” 5700, saying he was wrong because the numbers soared



Experts behind a very optimistic forecast that only 5,700 British will die Coronavirus He acknowledged that it might prove to be a major underestimation.

Scientist Tom Pike said he couldn’t adequately consider the magnitude of the threat facing the country in the fight against Covid 19.

Imperial College professor of micro-engineering said the country is still “at risk” in addressing the pandemic expansion.

Assuming a pattern similar to Wuhan where the virus occurred, he predicted that the number of deaths in the UK would be 260 per day, Daily email.

But the numbers agreed this weekend, and the professor said it was “important” for the British Health Director to “regain Wuhan’s trajectory.”

UK has already reached its expected peak earlier than expected in the dissertation
(Image: Getty Images)

A newspaper released last week states that in the worst case, up to 7,100 people will die in the UK, but only if they closely follow the spread in China.

The peak is expected next Saturday (April 5), with 210-330 deaths possible.

However, a conservative estimate of 5,700-what the paper has suggested as the most likely death toll is significantly less than the currently feared 20,000.

Professor Tom Pike said the UK needs to stay on the same trajectory as China

The doomsday scenario, advocated by Professor Neil Ferguson, scared the government to implement much more strict blockades.

Ferguson, Whitehall’s chief advisor on the outbreak, says that if we weren’t at home, tens of thousands could die.

Meanwhile, Professor Pike of the same university used mortality rates from eight countries, as opposed to China after the blockade.

It showed that up to 41,000 people might still die in the United States, 60,000 in Spain, 32,000 in Italy and 23,000 in France.

Another study states that if countries around the world did not impose lockdown, 4 billion people may have died, but 7 billion have been infected.

Workers clean street as precautionary measure against Covid-19
(Image: Reuters)

Last week, Sir Patrick Valence, Chief Scientific Advisor to the Government, said maintaining a UK mortality rate of less than 20,000 was a good result.

In both Italy and the U.S., 46,000 people in Spain, 6,000 in the Netherlands, 4,000 in Germany, 18,000 in France, and 150 in Korea could have killed 28,000, all according to Professor Pike’s estimates. ,

The study, co-authored with Dr. Vikas Saini, states that early adoption of social distance is “effective” rather than delayed in implementation.

write twitterProfessor Pike stated that the estimates were based on data, not on any kind of modeling-his paper would be accurate if Britain was on the same trajectory as China before emphasizing again.

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Coronavirus outbreak

Dr. Patrick Walker, who worked on research suggesting that 7 billion people could be infected, said lockdown was the world’s best hope.

“Our results emphasize that quick, decisive and collective action will save millions of lives next year,” he said.

Meanwhile, Azra Ghani, who also worked on the paper, said that early adoption could save 38.7 million lives.


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