Regular use of acid reflux disease drugs associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes
A study published online in the journal found that regular use of proton pump inhibitors, or acid reflux disease drugs for short, was associated with an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Was Intestines..
And the longer you take these medicines, the higher your risk seems to be. The findings encourage researchers to advise that people who have been taking these drugs for more than two years should have their blood sugar tested regularly to screen for diabetes.
PPIs are used to treat acid reflux, peptic ulcer, and dyspepsia. They are one of the top 10 most commonly used drugs in the world. Long-term use is associated with an increased risk of fractures. Chronic kidney disease, Intestinal infections and stomach cancer..
In 2014, the global prevalence of type 2 diabetes was 8.5%. Researchers wanted to find out if the prevalence of PPI was associated with a high prevalence of diabetes.
They were followed by the American Nurses Health Service (NHS), which began in 1976, the NHS II, which began in 1989, and medical professionals, with 204 689 participants aged 25-75 years (176,050 women). The Up Study (HPFS), launched in 1986, used information provided by 28,639 people and men.
At the time of registration and every two years thereafter, participants updated their information on their health behavior. Medical history, And a newly diagnosed condition.
From 2000 on the NHS, 2001 on the NHS II, and 2004 on the HPFS, participants were also asked if they had used PPI regularly in the last two years. Regular use was defined as at least twice a week.
During an average follow-up period of approximately 9-12 years across all three groups, 10,105 participants were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. The annual absolute risk of diagnosis for normal PPI users was 7.44 / 1000, while the annual absolute risk for users who did not take these drugs was 4.32 / 1000.
After considering potentially influential factors, including: High blood pressurePeople with high cholesterol, lack of physical activity, and use of other drugs, and those who used PPI regularly were 24% more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who did not.
And the longer you take these drugs, the higher your risk of developing diabetes. Use for up to 2 years was associated with a 5% increase in risk. Use for more than 2 years was associated with a 26% increase in risk. The risk decreased as time passed after the outage.
Further analysis showed that the risk of diabetes in PPI users was not affected by gender, age, family history of diabetes, smoking, alcohol intake, diet, physical activity, high cholesterol, or regular use of anti-inflammatory drugs. Shown. However, it was high among non-overweight and normal blood pressure participants.
For comparison, researchers also looked at the potential effects of another type of H2 blocker. medicine It is used to reduce the production of excess stomach acid.
Regular use of these drugs was associated with a 14% increased risk. Similarly, long-term use was associated with higher risk, and longer time after outage was associated with lower risk.
Since this is an observational study, the cause cannot be determined, but researchers say it involves many people who have followed their health for a relatively long period of time.
Increasing evidence may help explain the association between changes in the type and amount of bacteria (microbiome) in the gut between PPI use and increased risk of developing diabetes. Suggests.
“Because of its widespread use, the total number of diabetic cases associated with PPI use can be significant,” they warn.
Given the range of side effects and the increased risk of diabetes, doctors need to carefully weigh the pros and cons of prescribing these drugs, they warn. “Abnormal blood glucose and type 2 screening for patients who must receive long-term PPI treatment Diabetes mellitus It is recommended, “they suggest.
Regular Use of Proton Pump Inhibitors and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Results of Three Prospective Cohort Studies, Intestines (2020). DOI: 10.1136 // gutjnl-2020-322557
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British Medical Journal
Quote: Regular use of acid reflux disease drugs associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes (September 28, 2020), https: // Obtained from drugs-linked on September 28, 2020. html
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