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Canada’s Covid surge puts Quebec, Ontario at risk of another blockade


Surgical masks are waiting to be packed at a manufacturing facility in Montreal, Canada.

Photographer: Christine Muschi / Bloomberg

Canada’s largest state could impose new restrictions on activity and short-circuit economic recovery after a surge in Covid-19 cases.

Quebec forces public locations such as bars, museums, cinemas and restaurant dining rooms to be closed from October 1st to 28th in three regions, including the Montreal and Quebec metropolitan areas. To do. Schools and stores are still open.States with more viruses Dead (number) 40 or more U.S. stateIs the epicenter of the second wave, with about 5,000 active cases, jumping 71% since the beginning of August.

Prime Minister François Legos announced measures “with all his heart” on Monday, saying his government is working on ways to help affected companies. People living in these areas also cannot accept guests at home.

“The situation is at stake,” Lego said at a news conference. “If you don’t want to submerge the hospital, or if you want to limit the number of deaths, you need to act strongly now.”

Tracking the spread of coronavirus outbreaks in the United States

Ontario, the largest state with a population of 14.7 million, reported 700 new cases on Monday. This is testing far more people than in spring. A group of hospitals called on Doug Ford’s government to revert to stricter “second phase” measures in Toronto and Ottawa. This means limiting or closing indoor businesses such as gyms, cinemas and restaurants.

“that is Until Each of us. At a press conference on Monday, Ford begged residents to get the flu vaccine according to the rules, but did not return the state to the second stage.Earlier this month his government Reduction of limits How many people can get together in one place.

Canada's Covid-19 case curve steep

This is a fateful reversal for a country that has avoided the summer surge that hit the United States. As the pandemic worsened in Sunbelt, the mostly obedient Canadian population crouched and wore masks.

The state government, which set rules for most companies, allowed the majority of companies to reopen, sometimes with capacity limits and new hygiene rules. In Toronto, the financial capital, many restrictions were lifted on July 31st.

As Labor Day approached, virus cases began to increase again. They flared in British Columbia, praise For early response to the crisis. Nationally, the number of active cases has more than doubled to 12,759 since September 1. Almost 95% are in the four largest states and have the biggest problems in big cities.

The six-month limit made some Canadians as restless as Canadians in other regions. Nationwide, the surge in new cases is caused by social gatherings between people in their twenties and thirties, tired of social distances and taking advantage of the warm weather of the last few weeks. I want it.

Currently infected (number) Aug. 1 September 27 To increase
British Columbia 278 1,375 395%
Ontario 1,319 4,196 218%
Quebec 2,894 4,947 71%


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