Dr. Naresh Trehan explains why people with heart disease need to pay particular attention during a pandemic.Don’t miss these tips
- Stress management plays an important role in the prevention of heart disease
- A healthy and balanced diet can combat cardiovascular disease
- Continuation of medication and treatment is important for patients with heart disease
World Heart Day 2020: World Heart Day is held on September 29th every year. This year’s theme is cardiovascular disease and how they are the leading cause of death. World Heart Day 2020 is in the midst of a global pandemic of COVID-19. This is a time when people with and at risk of heart disease need to pay special attention to their diet, lifestyle, and all precautions to prevent coronavirus.As part of Heart day Today, Medanta Hospital Chairman and Chief Executive Officer on precautions that heart disease patients need to take during pandemics, what caregivers should do, and if heart disease patients suffer from more severe COVID-19. Talk to Dr. Narestrehan.
World Heart Day 2020: Everything Heart Disease Patients Need to Know During a Coronavirus Pandemic
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death on the planet. This is the theme of World Heart Day 2020. According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death worldwide, killing an estimated 17.9 million people each year. It accounts for almost one-third of all deaths in the world. “Cardiovascular disease or CVD is on the rise worldwide, but it’s prevalent in India,” Dr. Trehan told Doctor NDTV in an email exchange.
The incidence of cardiovascular disease has increased over the years due to factors such as smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, abdominal obesity, psychosocial stress, unhealthy diet, and lack of physical activity. Therefore, early intervention in the form of prevention is the best solution to combat CVD.
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Here’s an excerpt from the interview:
2. What are the guidelines you would like to convey to heart disease patients as the pandemic continues?
Each of us needs to be careful in the current pandemic, but because patients with heart disease are susceptible to the virus and report high mortality when they get COVID-19 infection. Special attention should be paid. Such patients can also suffer from many complications after recovery compared to patients without heart disease. Therefore, patients with heart disease should be forced to take all precautions as advised by their doctor, and during this period they should regularly monitor their heart health through e-consultations or hospital visits. Patients should also be aware of the fact that certain warning signs of a heart attack can mimic COVID-19 symptoms such as shortness of breath, malaise, headache, chest pain, and compression, and such symptoms occur. If you do, you will need to receive emergency treatment at the hospital.
3. Focus on the COVID-19 pandemic and elaborate on tips for caregivers of heart disease patients.
Caregivers play an integral role in the treatment, recovery and health of patients. It is their responsibility to ensure that patients follow the prescribed treatment, which requires them to have a complete and detailed understanding of the condition. However, it is equally important for the caregiver to take care of himself while caring for the patient’s health. Especially in the current pandemic, it is possible to get infected with a virus, so it is necessary to constantly monitor the overall health condition. Therefore, be aware of common symptoms of COVID-19 such as fever, cough, dyspnea, loss of smell / taste, isolate from the patient, and seek prompt medical intervention if any of these occur. Is important. .. Therefore, the most important tip for a caregiver is to ensure that the caregiver protects himself and that the treatment of the heart disease patient is not interrupted.
Caregivers must adhere to all safety measures, including:
- Pay attention to signs that suggest COVID-19 and report to a healthcare professional immediately
- Frequently wash and disinfect hands
- Do not touch the surface unnecessarily
- Always keep social distance and wear masks in public
Precautions to be taken for the patient:
- Keep the patient away from the eyes, nose and mouth while wearing a mask or in public places
- Avoid congestion around the patient
- Regularly monitor the patient’s heart to keep the doctor up to date in real time
- Make sure the patient maintains a diet and physical activity system as recommended by the doctor
- Proper medication and continuation of treatment
4. Does coronavirus have more serious effects on heart disease patients? Are they more vulnerable to catching viruses?
Patients with cardiovascular disease are at increased risk of more serious complications resulting from COVID-19. At a preliminary level, it can lead to diminished heart function. This may be the result of a systemic inflammatory response to the infection or a direct viral infection of the heart. The two most common heart conditions caused by the virus are heart failure and cardiac arrhythmias. Heart failure can result from excessive pressure in the lungs or inflammation of the heart known as myocarditis. In older patients, heart failure can be caused by the presence of existing cardiac conditions, but in the younger population it is primarily the result of myocarditis caused by COVID-19.
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5. What lifestyle should heart patients follow, especially during a pandemic?
Some simple lifestyle changes can also be of great help in preventing / managing CVD.
- A balanced and healthy diet is recommended, including raw foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits, grains, lean meats, and low-fat dairy products.
- Limit the intake of foods high in salt, fat and sugar.
- Regular exercise.
- No smoking.
- Limited alcohol consumption.
- Regulation of blood pressure and cholesterol by stress management. Practicing yoga on a regular basis can help reduce stress levels.
6. How can I reduce and prevent the risk of heart disease?
Prevention of heart disease is easy and can be ensured by living a balanced and healthy life.
- Our body requires at least 45 minutes of physical activity each day. Therefore, to stay healthy, it is advisable to introduce habits such as walking, running and cycling. An ongoing pandemic has trapped most people in their homes, increasing the tendency to spend most of their time in front of screens such as mobiles, TVs, and laptops. You can rest your eyes with your body by taking a short break to take a walk in the house. In addition, you need to engage in some form of home training.
- A healthy and balanced diet plays an important role in the fight against CVD, as common heart disease is caused by high cholesterol, obesity and diabetes.Therefore, eating a healthy and balanced diet rich in green leafy vegetables, whole grains, fatty fish and fish oils, healthy nuts such as almonds, and legumes such as lentils and fruits is CVD. Greatly helps prevent
- Lack of proper and quality sleep can increase the risk of CVD.You need to make sure you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each day
- Stress management plays an important role in the prevention of heart disease. Therefore, mental health is just as important as physical health. Stress affects blood pressure levels and heart rate, and the triggers that cause them must be identified and managed through techniques such as meditation and yoga.
- Apart from following the precautionary measures above, you are required to undergo regular screening for your overall health, especially with age. Life expectancy increases over time, but you need to focus on health and wellness to live a disease-free life.
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(Dr. Naresh Trehan, Chairman and Managing Director of Medanta Hospital)
Disclaimer: This content, including advice, provides general information only. It is by no means a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more information. NDTV is not responsible for this information.
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