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Study: Breast milk may protect babies from coronavirus infections


It has been shown to be even more effective than the milk of other animals such as goats and cows.

New research suggests that breast milk may help protect babies from being infected with the new coronavirus.

Researchers in a Chinese lab have found that breast milk prevented the infection and replication of pathogen cells even when the child did not have the antibodies, UNB quotes Daily Mail.

In addition, it has been shown to be even more effective than the milk of other animals such as goats and cows.

Beijing University of Chemical Technology teams say the findings support a recommendation from the World Health Organization (WHO) that mothers suspected or confirmed to have Covid-19 are encouraged to continue breastfeeding.

In this study, published on the peer-review site, the team exposed human lung and intestinal cells to SARS-CoV-2.

Healthy cells were mixed with human breast milk. The milk was then rinsed and the cells exposed to the virus.

The virus did not bind to or invade most cells. In addition, if it invaded the cell, the virus was unable to make a copy of itself.

This suggests that breast milk can inhibit coronaviruses as well as other viruses such as norovirus and bacteria.

“SARS-CoV-2 can be infected [cells] Infection can be suppressed by breast milk (2 mg / ml), which has been reported to have anti-SARS-CoV-2 activity, “the authors write.

In a previous study, the same research team found that breast milk prevented coronavirus infection in animal kidney cells.

They determined that the anti-inflammatory whey protein was responsible for the inactivation of the virus, not other proteins such as lactoferrin.

“Whey protein from human breast milk effectively inhibited SARS-CoV-2 by blocking viral attachment, invasion, and even post-invasion viral replication,” they write.

This was also true when testing the milk of other animals, including cows and goats.

However, animal whey suppressed the virus strain by about 70% compared to almost 100% of human whey.

Washington State University is currently conducting a national survey to determine if a baby can be infected with the coronavirus from breastfeeding.

So far, limited research has been done on this topic, but the results are mixed.

Some studies have not detected the virus in breast milk, while others have detected viral RNA in certain breast milk samples.

For example, at least two studies in China and the United States found no evidence of SARS-CoV-2 in human breast milk.

However, WHO reports that of 46 breast milk samples from mothers carrying the virus, 43 returned negative and three were positive for particles.

However, the team says that the finding of the viral genetic material in breast milk does not mean it is infectious or can spread to babies.


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