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Influenza vaccination waits and is delayed in high demand


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Some GPs and pharmacies are short of flu jabs and are asking them to wait for inventory to increase.

Boots states that the demand for vaccines was so high that reservations had to be suspended.

Government officials say there is no shortage in the country and there will be enough in the coming weeks and months to vaccinate 30 million people who are believed to be the most vulnerable to the flu.

Available inventory is provided to groups aged 65 and over and at high risk.

Once these groups are vaccinated, healthy children aged 50-64 in the UK will be eligible for free influenza vaccination at the NHS for the first time. This helps protect against the dual threat of influenza and coronavirus this winter-studies show that people can catch both illnesses at the same time, with serious and sometimes fatal consequences. Currently, there is no coronavirus vaccine.

Boots pharmacies said they increased their orders for flu jabs by about one-fifth in anticipation of a very busy time, but the level of demand seen in the last few weeks was unprecedented.

Influenza vaccine orders are placed months before the flu season and delivery is gradual from autumn to winter.

Professor Martin Marshall of the Royal College of General Practicers encourages people to “sit down” and it’s important to be ahead when everyone eligible for a flu shot is told to do so. I emphasized that there is.

Dr. Mary Ramsey, Head of Vaccination for Public Health England, said: Ask people to wait for further delivery. “

“We can be sure there are no supply problems,” said Helen Concilia of Seqirus, who supplies the types of flu vaccines used to immunize people over the age of 65.

Jessica Kirby, Head of Health Advice at Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation, said: It’s spring, so I’d like to recommend vaccination as soon as possible, but I still have time. “

this year, Free vaccinations are provided In England:

  • Requested people Shield from coronavirus And whoever they live with
  • Person of Some medical conditions Including diabetes, heart failure and asthma
  • Pregnant woman
  • Preschool children over 2 years old
  • Like last year, all elementary school students, and for the first time, 7th grade
  • Initially all people over the age of 65 before the program was extended to over 50s
  • Healthcare and social care staff
  • People living in homes and nursing homes
  • People who are the main caregivers of the elderly and disabled

The NHS will contact qualified personnel.

Influenza, like the coronavirus, is a viral infection that is transmitted through coughing and sneezing. Social distance, masks and hand washing should help reduce spread.

Most people with the flu recover at home in a week, but people with chronic illnesses and those over the age of 65 should call NHS111.

Anyone who thinks they have either the flu or Covid-19 should stay at home and self-isolate.

You may need to schedule a coronavirus test if:

  • High fever
  • New, continuous cough
  • Loss or change of smell or taste

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