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Universities need to step up precautions to prevent the spread of Covid-19, health officials warn


Federal and state health officials have warned of the threat posed when young people become infected New coronavirus, And recommended universities and colleges will step up measures to limit infection.

Universities all over the country are having a hard time Outbreak of Covid-19Includes campuses in Georgia, Texas and Iowa. Faced with many outbreaks last month, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is one of the schools that has decided to: Send students home, Wary health officials say they can spread the infection to people in their community.

Young people are less at risk of developing severe cases of Covid-19, but age and health-related conditions can infect older people in contact with family members and communities who are susceptible to severe illness. Public health officials at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention wrote in two separate studies published Tuesday in the Weekly Report on CDC Morbidity and Mortality.

A CDC official said in one study that young adults were less likely to adhere to Covid-19 precautions than other age groups, raising challenges for school managers and public health authorities.

Considering the risks, the CDC authorities have recommended stronger and more comprehensive safety strategies, such as using social media to inform young people about the importance of wearing masks, social distance and hand washing.

In the second study, the CDC and North Carolina health authorities, along with researchers at the University of North Carolina, called for stronger mask requirements and stronger testing, and suggested reducing the density of on-campus housing.

“This does not mean that the university cannot receive direct guidance,” said Ashish Jha, Dean of the Brown University School of Public Health, who was not involved in either study. Rather, he said schools need to take steps to suggest that research can keep infections away.

Brown University tests students twice a week. He said this was a type of surveillance needed to identify people who were infected but had no symptoms before the virus spread.

At a press conference on Monday, President Trump announced that the federal government would distribute 150 million rapid coronavirus tests to vulnerable people and states in the coming weeks to support an open economy and schools. did.Photo: Mandelungan / Getty Images

Some supporters of reopening schools and colleges point out that infected young people are at low risk of becoming seriously ill. In a new study, health authorities and researchers have raised a wider range of risks to contacts and community members raised by college students.

According to one study, 71% of young adults between the ages of 18 and 22 live with their parents. About 50% go to college, 33% of whom live with their parents.

According to the survey, weekly cases of people aged 18 to 22 increased by 55% nationwide between August 2 and September 5.

“Part of this increase may be related to the resumption of direct attendance at some universities,” the author writes.

The authors working at the CDC said more tests could not explain the increasing number of cases. The proportion of college student cases more than doubled in August, and the test increased 1.5-fold, the authors said.

In the second study, researchers at the CDC, the Department of Health in North Carolina, and the University of North Carolina surveyed universities in North Carolina. Also, 18 clusters of 5 or more cases popped up with each other within 14 days.

The author did not name the university, but the details are consistent with those of the university University of North Carolina In Chapel Hill where 6 authors work.

The surge in cases “emphasizes the urgent need to implement a comprehensive mitigation strategy,” the authors write. That is, they implemented masking requirements, reduced the density of housing on campus, discouraged student gatherings, and added more tests.

Write to Saratoi [email protected]

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