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Healthcare providers call influenza vaccines “more important than ever” in the COVID-19 pandemic.Local news


Influenza vaccination

Experts recommend that you get the flu vaccine by the end of October, as the flu season begins in November and is expected to continue until January.

When you get a flu shot A few days ago, a Wal-Mart pharmacist told me that the number of flu shots this season has tripled over the past few years.

This is great news for local experts who encourage everyone over 6 months to get the flu vaccine this season, unless they have had a severe allergic reaction to the flu vaccine in the past.

The country is focusing on COVID-19, a new coronavirus that has killed more than 205,000 Americans so far this year, but vaccination experts say that people protect themselves and their communities from the flu. Says that is more important than ever.

“I’m very worried that COVID and influenza can occur at the same time,” said UC Health University of Colorado Hospital, Medical Director of Infection Control and Prevention on the Anschutz Medical Campus, and a professor of medicine in the department. One Dr. Michel Baron said. Infectious diseases at Corona University School of Medicine.

Because of COVID, the healthcare community wants to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed with people who suffer from the flu, but staff also tend to suffer from COVID.

“We have been trying to push people [to get the flu vaccine]”Baron says. “We just get it, so if we’re strangely infected with COVID, we don’t handle both.”

The state and El Paso County do not track how many people are vaccinated against the flu each year, but this year could be the flag year. According to media reports, vaccine makers are increasing production in the hope that more people will get it.

Some local vaccination experts say there seems to be no shortage of vaccines in the area. This is why everyone needs to be in line to prevent hospitals from being overloaded with influenza cases during the COVID pandemic.

A 2018 study found that the influenza vaccine reduced the risk of being hospitalized in the influenza ICU by 82%, according to a report from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Like Dr. Emily Valenta, who practices family medicine at UC Health Primary Care, pregnant women over the age of 65 and children under the age of 5 are at greatest risk, the latter having serious complications when infected with the virus. There is a risk of developing. Colorado Springs Rock Limmon Today’s UC Health..

USA Today People over the age of 65 report that they need to be vaccinated with Fluzone High-Dose (FLUAD) to ensure better protection because they contain four times the standard dose of antigen.Studies published in New England Journal of Medicine Sponsored by the company behind Fluzone High-Dose, Sanofi reported that a stronger vaccine was about 24% effective in preventing the flu. USA Today Report.

Baron said: “Most people over the age of 65 do not have the same immune system as they did at the age of 18. By increasing antigens, which are substances that mimic the virus, older people are better off against influenza vaccination. Can show a reaction .. “

However, because flu vaccines are egg-based, Baron says people with egg allergies should look for or skip non-egg-based flu shots. “If you can eat eggs and eat baked goods [containing eggs] You can safely get a flu shot with just urticaria, “she says. However, if egg intake causes breathing and swallowing problems, one should not be shot.

She also says she can be vaccinated against the flu without adverse effects, along with other vaccinations such as tetanus, pneumonia and shingles.

However, flu shots are not protected from COVID, she says.

Some social media traffic likens influenza deaths to COVID deaths, but CDC data proves that is not the case. Nationwide, at least 24,000 people died of the flu during the 2019-20 season. This was nearing its end when COVID invaded the United States. It took five years for the flu to kill about 180,000 people, but COVID has already surpassed it this year alone.

The severity of this year’s flu seasonIs expected to start in November and peak in December and January, but everyone speculates, Baron said.

In the past, countries in the Northern Hemisphere considered Australia an early indicator as winter ended when Australia began.

“But their flu season coincided with COVID, so many of the measures they took distorted what they saw with the flu,” says Baron. The season started a little earlier, with cases increasing compared to the previous year and then decreasing. “COVID was a hit at exactly the same time, and they closed the country and imposed strict rules such as staying at home, masks, social distance, etc. This probably hampered the normal flu epidemic.”

The same may be true here if people follow the COVID CDC guidelines. But she adds that we don’t know until the season begins.

It takes about 2 weeks for the effect to appear, so it is recommended to shoot by the end of October.

Did the vaccine maker make this year’s vaccine for the predominant strain of influenza?

“It’s like horse racing. There are different types of flu, and they’re all lined up and ready,” says Baron. “You look at the odds and say,’This will win the race.’ But sometimes long shots win the race. In terms of how well it works, we’ll be in the months. I don’t know until it becomes. “

Cathering Riffis, director of nursing at the Peak Vista Community Health Center, said flu vaccination is more important than ever this year as the flu virus and the virus that causes COVID-19 will spread nationwide this winter. “, Said in an email.

Most insurance plansr You need to invest the entire flu vaccine or pay a small amount. The El Paso County Public Health Service has a limited number of community clinics that are free of vaccines, removing the financial barriers to vaccination. Details of those clinics will be announced shortly.

“We want to keep people safe, out of the clinic and keep those resources for COVID,” says Christie Durbin, Public Health Immunization Program Manager.

School children do not need to be vaccinated, but public health recommends that people over 6 months be vaccinated.

Not only can Shot prevent the flu, but she also prevents complications from pneumonia and chronic medical conditions, she says.

Public health does not have a clear idea of ​​how many shots have been or will be vaccinated, as vaccination providers do not have to enter the number of shots given into the database.

“But we want to increase that number,” says Durbin. “The more people who get vaccinated, the fewer people are in the hospital and the fewer people die from complications.”

Important segments Of the locals, approximately 40,000 active military personnel have few options.

A Fort Carson spokesperson states that the goal is to vaccinate 90% of military personnel by January 15 and to exempt those who cannot tolerate the vaccine.

“As part of our total strength, the Department of Defense [Department of Defense] Private employees are also strongly encouraged to get the seasonal flu vaccine each year, “said a spokesman in an email, saying the post is already for soldiers, children aged 6-35 months, and patients aged 65 and over. He says he is vaccinated against.

“We will continue to receive rolling shipments of the flu vaccine until November to ensure that soldiers, families and retirees receive the flu vaccine at Fort Carson,” the post said. Beneficiaries of TRICARE can also be vaccinated against influenza at network pharmacies.

Meaghan Drroh, a spokesman for Peterson-Schriever Garrison, says the flu vaccine is given to all military personnel each year to maintain medical readiness, except for medical conditions.

“At this time, the 21st Medical Group has not received the full shipment of the vaccine. The clinic will schedule administration to all military personnel in Shriver and Peterson. [Air Force bases] When the package arrives, “she says by email.

Often offered to families, but due to limited quotas, families are advised to take shots from off-based providers.

The 10th Medical Group at the Air Force Academy has already begun giving flu vaccines to active members, the Academy said in an email.


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