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GP “must be involved” in the deployment of COVID vaccine



The RACGP calls for the GP to be at the forefront of public readiness and to support vaccination when the time comes.

Vaccine needle

Studies have shown that GP is very influential in facilitating vaccine intake and is expected to play the same role when viable COVID-19 candidates arrive. (Image: AAP)

As the world is eagerly waiting for the COVID-19 vaccine, and many candidate Although it has been shown to be promising by leading several major clinical trials, Uncertainty About its ultimate availability.

However, there is one thing that is certain. When vaccines become available in Australia, it is best to take the lead in developing common practices.

It’s a recent discovery among authors Australian Journal of General Practice (((AJGP) Thesis, Preparing the COVID-19 Vaccine for the General Public: How can a general practitioner build confidence in the vaccine and optimize its own and patient intake?

Published in the latest version of AJGPThis article discusses key issues related to vaccine planning and deployment and their impact on general practice.

As the best place to identify GP as one of the most reliable sources of information for patients and thus raise community awareness of the vaccine, the authors are the primary care for optimizing the reliability and uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine in Australia. Provides a framework for what you need for.

Knowing the vaccine prioritization schedule and key target groups, including primary health care workers, will clarify the behavioral and social impetus for vaccination. In that case, the role of general medical care in implementation will be central.

“Ensuring public confidence in the safety and efficacy of vaccines is important for promoting intake.” AJGP The author wrote.

Reserve Survey data It is estimated that about 4.9% of Australians reject the COVID-19 vaccine and 9.4% are indifferent to receiving it.

When Australia prepares for potential vaccine deployments, targeted communication strategies are important, and according to the authors, these are the information, access to information, and actions needed by priority target groups. It is determined by understanding the factors that influence it.

Studies from the H1N1 pandemic Showed that GP It is very influential in promoting vaccine intake and may play a similar role in the COVID-19 pandemic.

Associate Professor Ayman Shenouda, Deputy Chairman of RACGP, agrees that GP is at the forefront of public health as an advocate of vaccine compliance.

“We have connected with our community and have previously provided vaccines. We know patients and they trust us,” he said.

“This paper clearly outlines why GPs must be heavily involved in the COVID-19 vaccination program from the first available opportunity.”

Associate Professor Shenuda said that research was conducted at key times in the search for vaccines and that it was essential to plan the impact on general practice.

“You shouldn’t wait until the day after the vaccine becomes available to consider the role of general practice,” he said. “Past mass vaccination programs have shown that planning for vaccine deployment and community involvement needs to be initiated in advance.

“Therefore, in order to optimize self-confidence and uptake, the GP needs to be properly consulted and significantly involved from start to finish. This involves educating, administering and ingesting patients and caregivers about vaccines. Includes our work of recording and reporting adverse events.

of AJGP However, the authors also note that vaccine hesitation and rejection can be a major barrier to ingestion, especially for new pandemic vaccines. They warn that billions of dollars have been invested in the development of vaccines, but their arrival will not guarantee acceptance.

According to the authors, further research is urgently needed in the Australian environment to develop resources for optimizing vaccine intake and general acceptance.

RACGP supports government efforts to promote strong uptake.

“In order to vaccinate as many people as possible, we need to leverage our past experience and take steps that have proven successful in improving vaccination rates,” said Associate Professor Shenuda.

“This is a new virus, but it is not the education and promotion of vaccine intake. There are policies previously used by the government and we can use them again.

“RACGP supports current initiatives aimed at encouraging people to be vaccinated and children to be vaccinated. We will provide similar support. [government] Measures to promote uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine once it becomes available.

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AJGP COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears public health vaccine

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