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Early diagnosis improves patient quality of life and disease management-Technology News, Firstpost


Every 6 minutes, women are diagnosed with gynecologic cancer. Of the five types of cancer that are prevalent in women, the cervix has been found to be the most common. Gynecologic cancers are often detected by common screening procedures by oncologists or gynecologists. If diagnosed and treated early enough, most and a significant number of stages 2 and 3 cancers in the early stages can be treated or managed and may be cured. In advanced stages of cancer, palliative chemotherapy and targeted therapies can significantly improve quality of life and chances of survival.

Diagnosis is essential for healthcare professionals to provide you with accurate care and to track and manage illness. It is important for women to be aware of the symptoms, causes and screening tests of gynecologic cancer. Recent advances in science and technology have significantly improved the provision of healthcare to combat cancer. Currently, more major hospitals in urban areas of India are implementing screening measures for cancer diagnosis.

Ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer usually affects women over the age of 45. Some of the reasons women suffer from this type of cancer are due to their hereditary nature (family history of ovarian cancer, the presence of the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene associated with ovarian cancer), and an unhealthy lifestyle that leads to obesity.

This type of cancer is not easy to detect in the early stages due to vague symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain, increased frequency or urgency of urination, malaise, constipation, and an irregular menstrual cycle.

High suspicion indicators are needed to diagnose early-stage ovarian cancer.

Uterine cancer

Most often, the cause of this form of cancer is early or delayed menstrual cycles, drugs such as hormone replacement therapy, or obesity.

Some of the symptoms that women with early-stage uterine cancer can expect are abnormal vaginal stains and bleeding, pelvic pain and vaginal discharge, or heavy white discharge.

Cervical cancer

Cervical cancer begins in the female cervix (outside, part of the uterus) and is usually caused by changes in DNA, such as mutations.The incidence of cervical cancer is also related to the prevalence of Human papillomavirus (HPV) Population-While it is surprisingly widespread, women are at risk for cancer from HPV infection.

Other risk factors are smoking history, oral contraceptive use, early sexual intercourse, multiple sexual partners, and immunosuppression. Commonly reported symptoms are an irregular menstrual cycle, post-sexual bleeding, vaginal or heavy white secretions, frequent pain in the lower abdomen, lower back or back.

according to GLOBOCAN 2018 According to the data, cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among Indian women. It can be found by conducting regular cancer screenings in the health checkup.

    Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month: Early diagnosis improves patient quality of life and disease management

This infographic describes the prevention, detection, and potential symptoms of gynecological cancer.Image Credit: John Hopkins

Treatment options

Treatment depends on the type of cancer, the stage of the disease, and the general health of the woman. The decision to use single or combination therapies can be very difficult, especially if the woman is young and the cancer is advanced. Gynecologic cancer It is treated in several ways, mainly depending on the type of cancer and how far it has spread.

For example, ovarian cancer can be treated by surgery known as “”Staging laparotomy‘Or’Debal King’and’chemical treatment‘Before and after the operation.Uterine cancer Hysterectomy (Surgery to remove the uterus) And Radiation therapy After surgery, if the cancer cells are still in the body.

Cervical cancer can be treated by surgery or surgery in the early stages and by “radiation therapy” and “chemotherapy” in the advanced stages.

How to mitigate risk

  • Protect yourself from HPV— Some gynecologic cancers are caused by the very common sexually transmitted disease human papillomavirus (HPV). The HPV vaccine reduces the burden of HPV-related gynecologic cancers such as cervical cancer, vaginal cancer, and vulvar cancer. It is recommended that girls aged 11-12 be vaccinated.Can be given as early as 9 to 26 years old
  • Get screened early — Early screening helps to recognize the disease before the onset of symptoms that may lead to effective treatment
  • Recognize warning signs — If you think you are at high risk for gynecologic cancer, be aware of your symptoms and talk to your doctor
  • Make healthy choices — Maintain a healthy diet, manage weight and reduce obesity.It’s also good to set achievable weight loss goals
  • Perform genetic testing — Increased cancer rates in women include regular screening and annual health, especially if the mother, daughter, sister, or relative of the woman had ovarian or breast cancer before the age of 45. It reiterates the importance of getting a diagnosis. Talk to your doctor and choose a genetic test to assess your risk.
Treatment depends on the type of cancer, the stage of the disease, and the general health of the woman.

Treatment for this disease depends on the type of cancer, the stage of the cancer, and the general health of the woman.

Cancer management in COVID-19

The pandemic has certainly created a delay in providing health care, especially for cancer patients who need to visit medical facilities frequently.

To reduce the risk of infection for cancer patients, most cancer centers employ an online method of contacting patients and their caregivers. However, the relaxation of government regulations has allowed cancer patients to visit hospitals and diagnostic centers to continue treatment and be screened for cancer.

While we are still working on the virus, doctors need to take the utmost precautions to minimize the risk of getting the virus. This includes screening cancer patients and staff to identify suspected COVID-19, adopting outpatient visits to patients who do not require active management, and continuing follow-up sessions via video / audio calls. included.

Awareness to prevent gynecologic cancer

In order for more women to come forward and screen themselves, it is necessary to identify the stigma associated with gynecologic cancer care and diagnosis. September is recognized as Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month, and women learn more about and become aware of cervical, vaginal, vulvar, ovarian, and uterine cancers, including early detection and prevention This is a great opportunity to encourage that.

India’s National Cancer Control Program emphasizes the importance of early detection and treatment. Married women can undergo “screening tests” to undergo regular health examinations without any health concerns. The “Papanicolaou smear” is the most common test performed in this screening test. Detects cervical cancer early by looking for abnormal cellular changes in the cervix. This test helps identify early-stage cancers and is easy to treat.

The author is an oncologist at PD Hinduja Hospital in Mumbai


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