As Covid-19 infection rates rise in many parts of the country, some communities will relax
This is because at least 26 states (mainly the northern half of the country) reported earlier Wednesday that the average of new cases for 7 days was higher than it was a week ago.
Wyoming set a day’s record last week with a new Covid-19 case, but after data showed that restaurants “haven’t contributed much” to the spread of the virus in the state. , Relaxed the rules regarding restaurants.
In Florida, the governor recently Paved the way for bars and restaurants to fully reopen After the case rate dropped sharply from the peak of summer. And some California counties have been given a green light to move to the less restrictive layers of the state’s reopening plans, officials said.
According to the data released, it was announced after the United States surpassed more than 7.1 million infections and more than 206,000 deaths. Johns Hopkins University.
Many social environments move indoors in cool weather, Potentially complex flu season On the horizon, top-notch experts like Dr. Anthony Fauci Promoted the community Continue to pay attention to safety guidelines such as wearing masks and increasing social distance to prepare for further increases in infectious diseases.
In the country as a whole, the case rate has been declining due to the rapid increase in summer, but it has been on the rise recently.
As of Tuesday, the average of new daily cases over the week was about 42,000. This is down from the peak average of 67,317 on July 22nd, but up about 22% from September 12th, which was a two-month low of 34,307.
White House Task Force Warns Wisconsin to Practice “Maximum” Social Distance
The White House Coronavirus Task Force warned this week that Wisconsin had “rapidly worsened last week’s epidemic” and called on the state to extend its social distance.
Wisconsin last week had the third highest rate of new cases per capita, with test positive rates ranging from 8% to 10%, the seventh highest in the country, the Task Force said in a Sunday report obtained by CNN. ..
“As much as possible, increase social distance mitigation measures until the number of cases decreases,” the letter reads.
Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers said earlier this monthNew public health emergency The Wisconsin Hospital Association said on Tuesday due to the outbreak of the campus. ” And Covid-19 hospitalization has almost doubled in the state since September 18.
Evers said Tuesday that Covid-19 cases in the state were “speeding up.”
According to Johns Hopkins, the seven-day average of new daily cases in the state reached a pandemic record of 2,225 on Tuesday. It’s up from 630 just 6 weeks ago.
“Party, rally, and bar aren’t worth it,” Evers said.
The· Midwest According to Johns Hopkins data, it recently overtook the South on a national highest seven-day average of new daily cases per million inhabitants, as defined by the US Census Bureau.
According to Johns Hopkins data, the average was 156 per million in the Midwest, 124 in the South, 88 in the West, and 51 in the Northeast.
Governor of Kentucky says the increase in incidents should be a “call for awakening”
In Kentucky, which saw the second highest daily new Covid-19 cases on Tuesday, Governor Andy Beshear called this increase a “wake-up call.”
“We’re tired, so we can’t get this out of control again,” Beshear said. “Yesterday we said we believed we were at the beginning of a new escalation. Today’s numbers do show that.”
Experts said the long months of the pandemic meant that the US population was particularly tired. Many people across the country want to avoid the crowd, give up on precautions, and return to normal-feeling tired officials say it can be dangerous.
“We have to work harder,” Beshear said. “This is a war and we have won many battles, but we cannot leave the battlefield.”
Missouri healthcare professionals say the state is currently experiencing the “highest hospitalization level” since the pandemic began.
“What we’re seeing in Missouri right now is that it’s widespread throughout the state,” Dave Dillon, a spokesman for the Missouri Hospital Association, told CNN. “And these numbers reflect the fact that it’s moving and uncontrolled throughout the community.”
College student dies of Covid-19 complications
In North Carolina, a student at Appalachian State University, who was diagnosed with Covid-19 earlier this month, died suffering from subsequent complications, Appalachian State University Prime Minister Sheri Evarts said in a statement.
According to the report, the reopening of schools across the United States caused a surge in Covid-19 infections among college students. New research. A study from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found cases of people between the ages of 18 and 22 between early August and early September. It increased by 55% nationwide.
According to Everts, student Chad Drill returned home and was isolated after a positive test. After seeing a doctor, Drill returned to Boone, where the university is located.
However, after returning home, the student suffered from “additional complications” and was hospitalized, Everts said.
“Generally, the risk of serious illness is low, but adult college students can become seriously ill with COVID-19,” the Prime Minister said. “The number of COVID-19 cases of students is increasing.”
“We all need to pay attention to safe behaviour, wherever we are in the community.”
According to the Prime Minister, Drill lived off campus and took all classes online.The university that started the class last monthWe offer online, hybrid and face-to-face courses.
CNN’s Amanda Watts, Betsy Klein, Andy Rose, Rebekah Riess, and Shawn Nottingham contributed to this report.
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