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Update: Full of drive-through flu shots, opening for face-to-face meeting at LFC HD


It is important to get a flu shot at the right time.

Updated, posted Wednesday, September at 2:15 pm. 30

From the Ministry of Health: Registration for the drive-through influenza vaccination event on Saturday is closed. If you need a flu shot, you can get it for free by booking from October 5th at the New Town Pike Public Health Clinic. Please call ‪859-288-2444‪ from October 5th to make a reservation.

An original story posted at 8:30 am on Tuesday, September. 29

Fayette County, Kentucky (WTVQ) – The Lexington-Fayette County Health Department has opened a free flu immunization clinic on Saturday for everyone over the age of 13.

The event will take place on Saturday, October 3rd, from 9am to 2pm at the Consolidated Baptist Church on 1625 Russell Cave Road.

You need to register in the time frame in advance

At this day’s event, you’ll have access to a slot that offers up to 400 free flu shots.

The clinic was open only to people in the high-risk category.

Again, p to 400 flu shots are available. Must be pre-registered: You can register here: 2020 drive-through influenza vaccination registration..

The department also has free flu shots throughout the flu season available only reservation From October 5th at the New Town Pike 650 Public Health Clinic. For reservations, please call 859-288-2444. Bring-in is not accepted as it is necessary to maintain a physical distance.

“Every year’s flu shot is the best way to fight the flu every fall and winter,” said Kevin Hall, a spokesman for LFC HD. “Influenza vaccination is especially important this season as the COVID-19 pandemic continues. This helps reduce the overall impact on the population of respiratory disease and the COVID-19 pandemic. It reduces the burden on the medical system at the time. “

Last year’s flu season, Lexington killed three people from flu-related causes and had 742 cases confirmed in the lab.

Vaccination against the flu can not only help prevent illnesses caused by the flu, but also reduce the severity of the illness and reduce the risk of hospitalization associated with the flu.

Seasonal influenza vaccination is recommended for all people over 6 months and who are at greatest risk of serious flu complications: infants, pregnant women, people with underlying illness, adults over 50 years old Especially important for.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the CDC also recommends influenza vaccination of critical workers, including healthcare professionals and caregiver staff. In addition, people aged 65 and over, residents of long-term care facilities, people with underlying illness, and others at high risk of serious illness due to COVID-19.

Anyone who tests positive for COVID-19, has been ordered to be quarantined or quarantined, or is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 must be at home.

Important notes

  • You must be at least 13 years old to be vaccinated against the flu at a drive-through event.
  • This registration must be completed for anyone who wants to be vaccinated against influenza at a drive-through event.
  • You can register up to 4 people with one phone number.
  • It can accommodate up to 4 people per car.
  • Everyone Must Please wear a mask during the event.
  • do not do Get out of the car unless instructed to do so.
  • Please do not arrive more than 15 minutes before the registration time.
  • Be prepared to provide the name of each person registered for influenza vaccination upon arrival.
  • The vaccine is given to the upper arm, so do not wear long sleeves, tight clothing or tops.
  • If you currently test positive for COVID-19, have been ordered to quarantine or quarantine, or have COVID-19 symptoms, stay home.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a high-dose vaccine available for adults over the age of 65 at drive-through events?

High-dose vaccines are not available at drive-through events. The vaccine offered at the event is suitable for all adults.

Influenza vaccine is approved for people over 6 months of age. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first high-dose influenza vaccine in 2009. Prior to that, everyone over 6 months had one option to get the flu vaccine each year. We know that the immune system naturally declines with age. Vaccine makers have worked to develop vaccines that provide people over the age of 65 with more effective influenza vaccines in relation to the immune response. As a result, primary care providers often prefer high doses to patients over the age of 65. The CDC does not recommend one flu vaccine more than another. The flu vaccine we offer is approved for people over the age of 65. It’s not their only option. They and their primary care providers may prefer that they be vaccinated with high-dose vaccines.

How do you use the information I provide?

The personal information we collect is necessary to contact you for scheduling and to document your receipt of the flu vaccine. We collect demographic information that epidemiologists use without attaching your personal information and provide information about who attends the event. We do not share any personal information protected by HIPAA.

What measures will be taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19?

  • Everyone who participates in the drive-through wears a mask always..
  • Medical staff who provide flu shots wear masks, gowns, and face shields to disinfect their hands when exchanging non-latex gloves between participants.
  • Event staff observe a 6-foot social distance from other staff throughout the event.
  • There is a limit of 4 people per vehicle, as everyone has a window to get a flu shot. No one needs to get out of the car.

Can I take someone else?

Up to 4 pre-registrants can participate in this event per vehicle.

Why is it limited to 4 people per car?

There is a limit of 4 people per vehicle, as everyone has a window to get a flu shot. That way, no one has to get out of the car. When choosing where to sit in your vehicle, consider the right arm to be vaccinated against the flu. The flu vaccine is given to the upper arm. Do not wear long sleeves or tight sleeves that cannot be removed without getting out of the car. This includes sweaters and jackets.

Will this year’s flu shot cost me?

There is no cost for this year’s flu shot. Get a free flu shot at a special one-day drive-through event on October 3rd. Or, by appointment from October 5th at the Public Health Clinic in the Health Department.. To make a reservation at the clinic, please call 859-288-2444.

Where are the pre-registered appointments for drive-through events?

You can view pre-registered reservations by logging in to the account created with your mobile phone number and registering for the event.

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