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Irregular menstruation is associated with an increased risk of premature death


A team of researchers, primarily based in the United States, found that women who reported having an irregular menstrual cycle at all times experienced higher mortality rates than women who reported a very regular cycle in the same age range. I found. This study took into account other potentially influential factors such as age, weight, lifestyle, contraceptives, and family medical history.

This study evaluated 79,505 women with no history of cardiovascular disease, cancer, or diabetes. Women reported the normal length and regularity of their menstrual cycle at three different time points: 14 to 17 years, 18 to 22 years, and 29 to 46 years. Researchers have been tracking their health for 24 years.

“This study is a real step in bridging the data gaps that exist in women’s health. It raises many interesting research agendas and future areas of research,” said MRC Senior Researcher and Consultant at the University of Edinburgh. Dr. Jacqueline Mabin, a gynecologist, said. Center For Reproductive Health told the Science Media Center in London.

“These data may encourage future investigations of menstrual symptoms and medical conditions as indicators of long-term health outcomes and provide an early opportunity to implement preventive strategies to improve women’s health throughout their lives. There is, “said Mabin. the study.

Studies show that irregular and long menstrual cycles are associated with an increased risk of major chronic illnesses such as ovarian cancer, coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and mental health problems.

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In particular, a study published in the BMJ Medical Journal on Wednesday found that women between the ages of 18-22 and 29-46 who reported a normal cycle of 40 days or more were more likely to die prematurely. -Definition as before 70 years-from women who reported a normal cycle length of 26 to 31 days in the same age range.

This association was stronger for deaths associated with cardiovascular disease than for deaths from cancer or other causes.

The author was from Harvard University School of Public Health, Harvard University School of Medicine, Michigan State University, and Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, China.

There is no cause for the alarm

Experts said women who experience irregular or long menstrual cycles should not be wary of the results of the study. Mabin said it’s important to remember that menstrual irregularities are likely to be a symptom rather than a diagnosis.

“The specific root cause of menstrual irregularities may increase the risk of premature death, not the menstrual irregularities themselves. Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the main cause of menstrual irregularities, have polycystic ovary. It is important for women with polycystic ovary syndrome to consult a doctor to reduce these risks, “she said.

Just tell me: yes, I'm menstruating

This study is observational and can only establish a correlation, not a causal relationship, between irregular or long menstrual cycles and premature death. Other unmeasured factors may have influenced the results.

Maybin said all participants in the study were registered nurses. Shift work, especially night shifts, has been shown to have a significant impact on long-term health. Abigail Fraser, a reader of epidemiology at the University of Bristol, said the study did not seem to take socio-economic status into account.

There were some limitations to the study, the researchers said, as participants had to rely on their own recollections of their menstrual cycle, which may not have been completely accurate.

However, the author states in a news statement that such studies “represent the strongest evidence possible for this question,” because the menstrual cycle cannot be randomized.

Additional vital signs

Guidance issued in 2015 American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists The practitioner said the adolescent menstrual cycle should be treated as an additional vital sign.

Like body temperature and pulse rate, it should be used to assess the patient’s overall health, and physicians should strive to identify abnormal adolescent menstrual patterns. This new study suggested that this should be applied to all women in reproductive life.

“The key point shown in this study is that regular menstruation and reproductive health provide a window to overall long-term health,” said the Leeds Teaching Hospital in the UK and the Royal University of Obstetrics and Gynecology in the UK. Dr. Adam Valen, a professor of reproductive medicine, said. A gynecologist spokesperson on reproductive medicine.

“Young women with irregular menstrual periods need a thorough assessment of their lifestyle as well as hormones and metabolism, so they can be advised on steps that may improve their overall health. You can, “says Valen, who was not involved. In this study.


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