COVID-19 disease can reduce testosterone levels in men, according to new data: World: Latin Post
COVID-19 can deplete male testosterone levels. Asymptomatic also “may lose libido,” the new data said.
Many wonder why men are more susceptible to severe COVID-19. According to one study, COVID-19 disease lowers testosterone levels in men and causes loss of libido. Turkish researchers investigated sex hormone levels in 200 men who were hospitalized for virus-positive tests.
More than half (51%) develop a condition called hypogonadism, which prevents the body from producing enough testosterone. On average, participants’ testosterone levels were reduced by 30% after infection, resulting in borderline unhealthy levels.
![COVID-19 disease can reduce testosterone levels in men, new data say COVID-19 disease can reduce testosterone levels in men, new data say](
(Photo: Go Nakamura)
Houston Hospital Suffers from Coronavirus Rise in Houston, Texas-July 28: (Edit Only) Members of Medical Staff Treated with Helmet-Based Ventilator in US COVID-19 Intensive Care Unit Talk to a patient at the Memorial Medical Center in Houston, Texas on July 28, 2020. Since the reopening of Texas, there has been growing concern that COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations have skyrocketed, intensive care units are fully operational, and deaths will surge as the virus spreads.
by Daily mail, Academic claims a direct correlation between severe COVId-19 disease and decreased testosterone levels. Even among men who are asymptomatic with the coronavirus, they have reduced libido. Two-thirds reported decreased libido. This is a clear sign of low testosterone.
Testosterone is not only a key to genital development and muscle growth, but also helps regulate the immune response of men, including the fight against viral infections. Low levels of testosterone increase the risk of dying from influenza, inflammation, high blood pressure, and heart disease.
Scientists at the University of Mersing behind the study believe that the coronavirus can make men more vulnerable to illness and worsen their symptoms by blocking the immune system.
Journal Aged man We have published a study of 232 male virus-positive patients. Participants were divided into three groups: patients in the intensive care unit, asymptomatic patients, and patients in need of standard hospital treatment.
Coronavirus can infect the testicles
According to doctors’ warnings, COVID-19 can swell the testicles of men and impair their ability to give birth. Fever, loss of taste and smell, and dry cough since the pandemic began.
However, a US doctor told the man to pay particular attention to the virus after the patient was taken to A & E with swelling of the scrotum and “discomfort.” The patient suffers from more common signs of COVID-19, such as fever and cough, for the week before going to the hospital. Doctors at the San Antonio Uniform Services Health Education Consortium in Texas said the virus damaged spermatocytes in patients who keep sperm healthy. They warned that the coronavirus could cause it and “may have a future impact on male fertility.”
Similar reports of testicular pain in COVID patients have been previously reported, but there are no relevant studies.
Patient doctors believe that the coronavirus entered the body via the ACE2 receptor on Leydig cells present in the testis.
Author of American Journal of Emergency Medicine We admit that those cases are rare. However, they want to raise awareness about them to help other doctors determine the disease at the early junctions, which can lead to proper treatment, fertility follow-up, and quarantine. there is.
The reported patient spent the night in the hospital before being discharged and was prescribed painkillers and antibiotics. The patient’s pain was slightly relieved, but case reports did not indicate whether his condition improved after a few weeks.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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