How does the vaccine work? What you need to know: Life KitExBulletin
Vaccines come to mind for many this fall.
People want to know the following about the COVID-19 vaccine:Our team of life kits can’t predict the future, but all of you can remind you regular Vaccines can keep you healthy — and maybe even save your life.
Keeping track of all these vaccines can be confusing.We talked to help you answer some of your most common questions Dr. Melissa Martinez, Family doctor and professor at the University of New Mexico.
“Vaccines are a gift not only for us, but for future generations,” she says.
Martinez loves vaccines. But when she was a new mom, she admits she was skeptical about the side effects of giving the kids all those shots.
“I looked at the evidence, looked at the science behind the vaccine, and realized that by vaccination of the children, I was protecting them,” she says. “I was also protecting all the other children in their community.”
Recently, Martinez has helped spread information about vaccines as a member of vaccines. National Vaccine Advisory Board, She is helping to direct their work on fair access to vaccination. Here, Martinez shares her tips on how to stay up to date.
Think of her advice as “Vaccine 101”.
Vaccines prepare your immune system to fight infections
Vaccines are almost no new invention. Martinez says there is evidence that 16th-century Chinese people have realized that those who are already sick are less likely to get infected again.
Modern vaccines work by exposing the body to small harmless parts of viruses and bacteria. It stimulates the body’s immune response. That is, your body produces antibodies and other types of cells to help fight future infections.
“The next time you’re exposed to a real virus, you won’t get sick,” Martinez says.
Side effects may occur, but are usually mild
When the vaccine stimulates your body’s immune response, it prepares you to create an army of immune cells that are prepared to fight off viruses and bacteria.
Creating that army is a daunting task! As a result, arm pain and low-grade fever can occur where you have been vaccinated. These side effects mean that the vaccine is working and usually disappears with over-the-counter painkillers.
“Their bodies are reacting and their immune system is functioning,” she says.
Life-threatening side effects are extremely rare, Martinez adds. The vaccine does not cause autism or brain damage.
In fact, she adds that vaccines are one of the safest treatments we have in medicine.
If your child is in a virtual school, don’t skip the new semester vaccine
With so many children in virtual schools this fall, families may want to delay their appointment with a healthy child with their doctor.
“During this time, no one wants to go to the doctor and be in a crowded waiting room,” Martinez says.
But don’t let your child’s vaccine fall through the gap! Martinez recommends calling your child’s doctor to ask about the socially distant options for family vaccines.
For example, Martinez’s practice offers drive-through shots where clinicians get out of your car and provide vaccines. Instead of a clinic, you can try a pharmacy or a local public health department.
Martinez also proposes to keep a record of family vaccines. That way, you’ll get the latest information from your doctor, even if you go to the pharmacy. The same advice applies when moving or changing doctors. If you want to find out what vaccine you need, check out the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations. Children And grown up..
Influenza vaccination is especially important this year
It is very important to get a flu shot every year this year.
“Many people die from the flu each year, so COVID already kills a lot and we don’t need to die from the flu,” Martinez says. “We need to keep people healthy and out of the hospital.”
Influenza is not a common cold. It is far more deadly and the flu virus is always adapted to outperform our treatments and vaccines. Therefore, it is very important to get the flu vaccine every year. The vaccine is designed to help the body fight the strains that are outbreaks this year.
Many people think that flu shots will make them sick. Like other vaccines, it can make you feel pain and pain, but Martinez says it usually disappears with ibuprofen. You pay a small amount to protect yourself and your loved ones from dangerous viruses.
“Influenza vaccination can make some people feel really, really muddy,” says Martinez. “But people will feel very sick if they get the flu.”
She suggests taking shots by the end of October to ensure that the peak flu season (usually the worst from December to February) is prevented.
Pregnant and elderly people have weak immunity, so care must be taken to keep them up to date.
Pregnant people are especially vulnerable to the flu and should be vaccinated against the flu every year.
“If a pregnant woman gets the flu, she is much more likely to get sick, so all pregnant women should be vaccinated against the flu,” says Martinez.
All pregnant people should be vaccinated with the DPT vaccine during prenatal care to protect against tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough. Protection from whooping cough (also known as whooping cough) is especially important for new parents as it can be dangerous for newborns.
During pregnancy, you should avoid live vaccines made with a weakened real virus. This includes measles, mumps and rubella vaccines.
Older people should also be vaccinated against the flu each year. You should also be vaccinated against shingles and vaccinated against a pneumococcal vaccine that protects against life-threatening bacterial infections.
Ask your doctor if you need a booster as your immunity can weaken over time
Vaccines help your body generate immune cells to fight the infection, but those immune cells can lose their power over time. That’s where Boostar Shot comes in. Boostar Shot will jump start your body’s defenses.
Doctors recommend specific booster shots for everyone. Most people need to be vaccinated with Tdap every 10 years.
However, not everyone needs to check their immunity unless they are exposed to an infection or have a specific illness in their area.
People working in health care are often required by their employers to have a blood test to show that they are immune and should be re-vaccinated if their antibody levels are low.
If you have any specific questions about the vaccine, you can always talk to your doctor. What she recommends will depend on your medical history and your risk factors, so don’t be afraid to speak in your next appointment.You can use this CDC quiz Find out what is right for you.
“Vaccines are one of the great achievements of humankind,” says Martinez. “If we can protect ourselves from those illnesses, let’s do it.
The podcast part of this episode was produced by Andee Tagle.
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