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Temperature check: tracking fever, the main symptom of coronavirus


After being told that I was exposed to the new coronavirus, I tried to follow the best medical advice. I started working from home. I am socially isolated. They “self-monitored” for signs of infection.

Or, at least, I tried.

Covid-19’s symptoms seem quite clear. Dry cough and dyspnea. Malaise. And fever.

Federal to track everything Center for Disease Control and Prevention People who may have been exposed are advised to take body temperature twice daily. As a person covering the outbreak, I understand the soundness of this advice. Due to the lack of a national diagnosis of coronavirus, health care providers are trying to book a test for those who have been exposed, have symptoms, or have an obvious risk of dangerous complications .

What the C.D.C. guidelines do not mention: Measuring body temperature can be surprisingly difficult.

In particular, like most of my 20s friends, I do not own a thermometer. (I have a candy thermometer, but it doesn’t help here; a meat thermometer wouldn’t help either.) I called my local CVS. sold out. Another friend told me that I checked four nearby stores and came empty-handed. My twin brother was able to find it—he lives in Connecticut, about 400 miles from me.

When I checked online, I realized that I had to wait a few weeks or months for my thermometer if I didn’t plan on paying at least $ 50. I was not.

There were no symptoms, so it was comfortable to go running and do yoga in the kitchen. So I decided to wait. Formally over two weeks old, my only symptoms are cabin fever and anxiety. Coronavirus was like no show.

But was that the best course of action? And what should people in my situation do?

I did what a health journalist does. I investigated and called a specialist.

Their advice was pleasant. Getting an expensive thermometer is not a good thing, especially if you don’t have any symptoms. There are other ways to determine if you have a fever or if you are at risk for Covid-19 complications. And it is worth considering some principles.

First, people like your brother who could find and buy a thermometer in stock, or who actually owned the thermometer long before this happened, are looking for a different number.

The average human temperature is taught to be 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. But that is not always the case. Research presentation This year suggests that the average person’s body temperature is slightly lower—perhaps 97.9. There are individual differences depending on factors such as weight, height, weather, age, and gender.

“Some people say,” Oh, I’m running cold. Oh, I run high. ” There is variation, “said Dr. William Schaffner, professor of preventive medicine and infectious disease at Vanderbilt University.

In general, note temperatures above 100.5 degrees Fahrenheit. But timing is also important. Some people with fever may not record high numbers in the morning, but do so by the afternoon. That’s because people get cooler in the morning and their temperature usually peaks around 4 to 9 pm at night.

If you are taking body temperature twice a day, you should take into account daily fluctuations, running at least one during that evening, ideally at about the same time each day.

Another factor to consider when using an oral thermometer was with a Maryland-based physician and advised Dr. Livinokar, a spokesman for the American College of Emergency Physician. Check fever.

That is another question. Are there certain types of thermometers that are better than others?

Everyone told me, even if I couldn’t find the thermometer-don’t worry again. (There’s a lot more to worry about!) But if you have the option, you don’t need to do anything special.

High-tech model like Smart thermometer KinsaTrack and map where you record fever. This has been touted as a way to help predict the spread of the disease. But they are expensive. If available, they are sold for $ 35 to $ 69 on the manufacturer’s website.

There are other digital scanning thermometers that use infrared technology to scan someone’s forehead from a distance and provide accurate temperature readings.

They are used in high-traffic environments, such as airports, or before journalists enter the White House press conference. In this scenario, you do not want the same thermometer attached to multiple people’s mouths to propagate bacteria. If in stock (and often not), they can cost $ 60 or more. Shipping costs are not included when ordering online.

However, these high-end devices are not particularly needed at home.

“You don’t have to have the most expensive ones, you can get the cheapest ones,” urged Dr. Brad-Uren, an assistant professor and emergency physician at the University of Michigan. A simple under the tongue thermometer sold for (usually) less than $ 10 is sufficient.

In fact, scanning devices can be more vulnerable to user error, said Dr. Rob Davidson, an emergency physician in western Michigan. He sees the misunderstood temperature as lower than the correct one.

In fact, while I was still trying to buy a thermometer, one of my friends warned that they saw these low readings occurring at home-that’s why she refused to buy a scanning device. (She also does not currently have a thermometer.)

Products sold to children are intended for adults. The only real precaution the doctor told me is to clean it properly between use and person-soapy water and alcohol disinfection usually work.

But for people like my friends, these are issues. If you don’t have a thermometer and aren’t ready to drop $ 50, what else can you do?

Don’t worry about the number. A particular temperature is just one of many signs of fever. People also have alternating chills and sweat, and body pain. Doctors do not consider the exact number when determining whether someone is sick.

“The fever is yes no and the chills are big,” Dr. Davidson told me.

Childhood forehead tests may not be as accurate as digital measurements, but are generally more accurate in measuring disease. No wonder my mom relied on it to determine if her children were enough to go to school.

Since talking with Dr. Davidson, my social isolation partner and I have designated each other as the only “forehead testers” during this time. An effective way to self-monitor and mitigate the spread of bacteria from any of us to the rest of the world.

And what if you get sick and your body temperature seems high? Call a doctor. If you’re really worried (or like me, if you don’t have a doctor), you may need to call the emergency room instead.

Nevertheless, a serious shortage of coronavirus testing and medical supplies-including the hospital bed itself as soon as many concerns are lacking-can increase body temperature or fever, even if infected with coronavirus. Or that you cannot be hospitalized. Probably not qualified for diagnostic tests.

Doctors need to experience dyspnea to register their level of concern, so they feel like they are blowing when walking to the mailbox or refrigerator.

If that doesn’t happen, be careful at home. Self separation. remaining. Drink plenty of water and take acetaminophen. (And my cereal advice: I swear by the healing power of cocoa puffs and ritz crackers, or at least the ability of comfort.)

Otherwise, follow basic infection control guidelines (you do not have to rush to the drugstore as soon as new thermometers become available). Wash your hands thoroughly with soap to avoid touching your face. Wear favorite Separate playlist, Or some of the early season “Gilmore Girls”, and your practice Avoid crowds.

Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a non-profit news service that covers health issues. This is an editorial independent program of the Kaiser Family Foundation, not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente.

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